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Office Live Small Business has >1M subscribers


Following on from my Office Live demo at the NCVO event, Tim Kimber sent me this today which is worth sharing I thought:


Microsoft Office Live Small Business has reached a pivotal milestone: In less than two years since its November 2006 commercial debut, the online service that helps entrepreneurs take, promote and manage their businesses online has surpassed more than 1 million subscribers.

This 1 million worldwide subscribers milestone demonstrates that increasing numbers of small businesses - particularly those with fewer than 10 employees, for which the Office Live Small Business service is specifically designed - are realising the importance of having a Web presence.

Although Internet access is pervasive among small businesses, many very small businesses still lack a company Web site, signaling a strong opportunity for millions more to get online. Today, as more and more consumers turn to the Web to search for products and services, small businesses are increasingly choosing to embrace the power of the Web through services such as Office Live Small Business, which has more than doubled its subscriber base in the past year alone.

Office Live Small Business focuses on three key things: make the service easy to use, make it affordable and make it all work together. Microsoft is able to entice small businesses to come to the Web by making the barriers so low, you can do it yourself and get started for free. Some of our most successful customers have told us that their Web site is their business. It’s not about a static online brochure. When you have back-office tools that talk to your front-office Web presence, your online activities go to a whole new level and help you grow your business.

Sign up now and tell a small business friend today : https://www.smallbusiness.officelive.com

Best wishes, Tim

