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SAP and NZ Daylight Saving Time Changes

     SAP Note No. 1080797 07.08.2007 Page 1


     Number 1080797
Version 2 from 07.08.2007
Status Released for Customer
Set on 07.08.2007


     Language EN
Master language DE
Short text Begin date & end date of DST in New Zealand as of
Sept 2007


     Responsible Ulrich Weber
Component BC-SRV-TIM-TZ
Time zones


     Long text


As of the summer 2007/2008, the start date and the end date of the DST
are changed in New Zealand. DST starts on September 30, 2007 at 2
o'clock a.m. and ends on April 6, 2008 at 3 o'clock a.m.
The DST starts in New Zealand now on the last Sunday in September and
ends on the first Sunday in April.


     Other terms
DST, daylight saving time


     Reason and Prerequisites




     1. In the IMG, call the maintenance dialog for the daylight saving time


         Call transaction STZBC - "Variable Summer time rules" view (or call
the IMG activity "General Settings" -> "Time zones" -> "Maintain
Time Zones")


     2. Create a new entry with the following data:


            - DST rule: NEWZEA


            - Valid from: 2007


            - Start Mon.: 9 (September)


            - Start Day: 1 (Sunday)


            - Strt DayMo.: 5 (last occurrence of that particular weekday in
the month)


            - Start Time: 02:00:00


            - End Month: 4 (April)


            - End Day: 1 (Sunday)
Page 2


            - End Day/Mo.: 1 (1. (first occurrence of that particular
weekday in the month)


            - End Time: 03:00:00


     These changes are available in the attachment to Note 198411 as of
Version TZ_2007_V04.


     Note that you should not delete old entries in the daylight saving time
rules (for example, entries valid as of 1990), because these entries
will still be required for the correct conversion of data prior to 2007.




     Valid releases
Software Component Release
from to
SAP Basis component
710 - 710
700 - 700
620 - 640
46C - 46C




     Reference to related Notes


     Number Short text
198411 Current data and information about time zones


