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Australia Eastern & Central 2008 Daylight Saving Changes

Hi All,

Australia Eastern (New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania) and Central (South Australia) time zones will extend daylight saving and also harmonise start and end times commencing April 2008. From April 2008, daylight saving will end on the first Sunday in April and recommence on the first Sunday in October in all states. See the Australian Government Time web site for more information.

Windows Time Zone


End3 am daylight time

Start2 am standard time





(GMT+09:30) Adelaide

South Australia

Last Sunday March

First Sunday April

Last Sunday October

First Sunday October

(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

New South Wales; Australian Capital Territory; Victoria

(GMT+10:00) Hobart


First Sunday October


This change affects Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office Outlook and other Microsoft, third party and custom applications:

  •        All Microsoft Windows PC, server and mobile devices in the affected time zones will need to be updated.
  •        Microsoft Office Outlook calendars may need to be adjusted. Client and Server-based tools to automate this process are available (see 'Adjusting Office Outlook Calendars' below).
  •        Microsoft, third party and custom applications which schedule events at future dates should be reviewed to ensure they will operate correctly during the extended daylight saving period. Previously scheduled events may also need to be adjusted.
  •        Microsoft recommends that all PC and server systems are updated regardless of location to ensure consistency of operation.


A complete list of affected Microsoft products appears below. This page is updated regularly as information about products and updates becomes available.

For information on other recent daylight saving in Australia and New Zealand, click here. Refer to the Daylight Saving Time Help and Support Centre for further information on daylight saving, including the 2007 changes in North America. If you have any other questions about the daylight saving changes or require further assistance, contact Microsoft Help and Support.

The Australia 2008 Daylight Saving Planning Guide is now available for download. This document is aimed at medium to large organisations and provides detailed guidance on preparing your Microsoft solutions for the changes in daylight saving. Click on the links below to download the document in your preferred format:

For more information, please refer here - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-au/bb887637.aspx


