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New VSTS Book: Global Outsourcing with MS VSTS

A surprise packaged just arrived on my desk and upon opening it, walla!  A new book on Team System!  Jamil Azher came and visited me a few months ago and mentioned he was working on a new book, well, it's out!  Global Sourcing with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System has got to be one of the longest book titles.

Just looking through the table of contents here, it looks like Jamil spends one chapter about outsourcing (why, what is it, etc), and the rest of the book is technical.  He has whole chapters dedicated to some new topics not really covered much by the other books out there such as "Integrating MS Project 2003", "Integrating Microsoft Outlook 2003", and "Facilitating Real-Time Communications".  He also includes chapters on "Version Control and Team Build", "Customizing MSF Agile", "Enterprise Reporting", and "Using the Project Portal".  Skimming through it looks like it contains a lot of screen captures, diagrams, and source code, yum!!

Team System is a big product.  If you're looking for content on the product, you really need a few books to try to cover as many topics as possible.  My book is one such book which digs deep into the advanced client and server technical features you get out-of-the-box.  Sam Guckenheimer's book focuses on project management with VSTS. Global Outsourcing is both a process engineering and technical resource book.  It discusses project methodology and practices and also includes technical feature use and customization, centered on features around team development (like MSF, SCC, reporting, etc).

Facilitating Live Communications
Something I haven't seen anywhere else and of particular interest, is Jamils chapter about connecting TFS with technologies like Office Communicator, Live Communications Server, Presence Detection, Live Meeting, Outlook SMS, etc.  Lots of great extensibility ideas here.  There's also a CD in the back with all the source code for the book.

See all the current Team System books.
