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next Wellington Infrastructure User Group meeting announced – Active Directory in R2

What’s new in Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory

Presented by: Tony Murray 
When: Tuesday 8th Sept 2009 5pm
Where: Microsoft HQ Wellington

diag-active-directoryWith R2 just out, there are some new AD features thrown into the mix.  Tony will introduce and demo these features and, with time permitting, open a discussion about how best to approach the upgrade. 

The new features covered are:

•        PowerShell Cmdlets
•        Active Directory Administrative Centre
•        Best Practice Analyser
•        Recycle Bin for AD
•        Managed Service accounts
•        Offline Domain Join

As a reminder a link to the  Wellington Infrastructure User Group

Hope to see you there… with any luck there will be beer and pizza at the end of the session!