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10 Vistas = 1 car ??

For those partners that attended the second day keynote at APC (Australian Partner Conference) you will have heard me, in my section on environmental sustainability, talk about the power saving feature built into Vista helping default power usage (versus PCs left on all the time) to the equivalent of 1 car off the road for 10 power-saving-optimised PCs deployed...

So where did that data come from ? Look no further than this white paper: https://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/pnppwr/powermgmt/VistaEnergyConserv.mspx

The basic premise remains that the lower the power usage, the less carbon emissions - this white paper shows you how to model the correlation of power consumption with carbon emission - useful for all partners to model their own solutions as part of the pitch to customers. And Vista is just well optimised to help power savings happen really easily..

Lots more white papers like this linked to from the worldwide environment site in the technical guidance site. and there are a couple of great blogs on this topic:

Software Enabled Earth 

Little Miss Enviro Geek

Plus finally we have the TechNet magazine site on sustainable computing:  https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc462910.aspx
