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Microsoft Office 2010 On Tour


The web has been abuzz about the launch of Microsoft Office 2010. So we are going on tour to tell you all about it. Don’t miss out on this epic event to see and hear all about Office 2010.

Office 2010 can help you with a set of smart, security-enhanced, easy to integrate tools that work with what you have now, so you can grow your business instead of your budget.

You will hear how you can better serve the diverse needs of your business and end users to:

  • Increase the return on every employee
  • Enable mobile workforce
  • Improve information value and flow
  • Reduce risk to the business

While at the same time delivering great IT efficiency, by:

  • Delivering against changing business requests
  • Controlling support, integration and training costs
  • Protecting information and staying compliant
  • Connecting users to key business processes

Check out our tour dates to see when we will be in your region, and then register here.

Be in to win...

Be in to win an HP Mini notebook and Smart phoneAll attendees who attend the event, and complete an evaluation form, will go into the draw to win an HP iPAQ Data Messenger Smartphone and an HP Mini 5102 notebook PC.
Terms and conditions apply.




Locations & Dates

Whangarei - 27 May 2010 - Register here

Auckland - 6 April 2010, 20 April 2010, 4 May 2010, 18 May 2010, 1 June 2010, 15 June 2010, 29 June 2010 - Register here

Hamilton -   7 April 2010 - Register here

Tauranga - 3 June 2010-  Register here

Wellington - 13 April 2010. 27 April 2010, 11 May 2010, 25 May 2010, 8 June 2010, 22 June 2010 - Register here

Christchurch - 14 April 2010, 19 May 2010 - Register here

Dunedin - 15 April 2010, 8.30-10.30am - Register here

Speaker Profiles


Jonathan Stuckey

Jonathan is a solutions specialist for Microsoft New Zealand, responsible for helping enterprise customers understand and evaluate Office System platform against Enterprise Content Management, Compliance and Business Process Efficiency business objectives.

With over 17 years' IT industry experience Jonathan has a knowledge of a broad range of business challenges and requirements; and an extensive understanding of platforms, having worked for IBM, Sequent Computers & Sun Microsystems, and 10 years with Microsoft globally.

Now part of the Specialist Team in New Zealand Jonathan has been actively engaged in Public and commercial sectors for 3+ yrs, and is responsible for pursuing local support for Public Records Act with Office & SharePoint. As NZ “Wave 14” Ambassador, he is charged with driving Microsoft and partner readiness for Office 2010 & SharePoint 2010; building local business value propositions for information working, and coordinating Microsoft, Partner and Customers with early adoption.


Paul Quirk

Paul has been working with SharePoint since its first release in 2000 and has delivered a large number of solutions to customers during a long tenure as a Microsoft partner. Paul has been a Project Manager, a Manager of Project Managers, a Pre Sales Consultant as well as a Managing Consultant. Paul gave up these impressive sounding titles and joined Microsoft in 2008 as Business Productivity Solution Specialist.