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Yet another blog??!!!

Greeting everybody to the very first post of my new blog :)

So first, who am I to wanna write one more new MSDN blog?
I'm working as Escalation Engineer based in Microsoft France, working in Internet Development Support team.
That just means I'm handling some customer support issues within their Web architectures & related devs.

Compared to our US colleagues, we have in Europe the chance (and the pain...) to work on several technologies so that gives us less in depth expertise, but maybe a quite broad vision.
I am working mainly on IIS (Microsoft Web Server), Internet related Developments (IE as IIS ones, ISAPI, ASP.NET, etc...) and Commerce Server issues.
I've been also been working by the past on ISA Server, so I might also post here some things about our firewall, maybe especially related some ISA SDK points.
I'm glad my EMEA team includes some well known bloggers like TessDoug, Carlo, Johan, and other ones (who will forgive me not to mention).

To speak about my past experiences, I started programming on Atari ST with 68000 ASM, GFA Basic and Turbo Pascal, enjoying demomaking (in additition to beach & sport :p)
Do you remember that good time where we were optimizing our starfields codes during weeks, programming fullscreen demos by switching from 50Hz to 60Hz each VBL, playing with 16 colors to get nice rasters or plasmas, etc...? Since that time I appreciate spending hours in my debugger trying to figure out performance issues or bugs.
Before joining Microsoft I've been working some years a Software Development Engineer for some companies mainly on Win32 System & Networking related devs, mainly on C/C++, x86 asm, and VB.
My last work experience was within an Internet Appliance Company called at that time RightVision, that became now an Alcatel-Lucent Company.
We were developping on Microsoft technologies appliances that were trying to make easier some network administrative tasks, with sometimes the help of Microsoft Support engineers...

Why flooding Interet with one more blog?

Because I'm from the south of France and I like to talk:)
More seriously, I will just try to share some modests experiences, that I hope might help saving some time to other engineers that could come across the same issues.
In addition there are some technical points that need clarification so I will take the opportunity to give my point of view on those ones.

What this blog will be speaking about? I currently have some posting ideas around:

  • How IIS is really working
  • IIS related development (ISAPI, managed modules & handlers, IIS7 pipeline, etc....)
  • IE related development (BHO, ATL ActiveX, etc...)
  • Commerce Server related development issues
  • Some OS & networking stuffs (authentication, TCP stack, threading models, etc...)
  • Debugging (native & managed issues) using Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows - my preferred subject...

For sure all the comments or sample code I could post on this blog will be provided with absolutely no warranty, and Microsoft won't be implicated in any of my words.

If you feel my dummy comments could help regarding some specific concerns you may encounter regarding web development, for sure just let me know :)

End of the very 1st episod...


  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2007
    Hello and welcome to the blogosphere! Your blog looks really promising...I'll be back time to time...and would sure ask u the very many IIS-HowStuffWorks kind of questions that flood my brain at times :-)

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2007
    Thanks for the greetings Sayan, and keep coming there :)