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TechED Europe - Meet the Server and Tools Evangelism Team

For TechED Europe ( Developer ) this year in Barcelona, a number of my team are going to be there presenting an amazing 23 sessions on a number of sessions around the .NET Framework 3.5, IIS7, Biztalk Services and the Identity Meta System ( CardSpace ).

If you are lucky enough to be at the event, please go up and say Hi. These guys are superstars. David Aiken, Jason Olson, Drew Robbins, Justin Smith, Matt Winkler and Vittorio Bertocci


David Aiken

INF302 Building Manageable Applications End-to-End   

This session will demonstrate how you can build more manageable applications, from health model to management pack, from WMI to Group Policy - find out how you build applications that are deployable, reduce operational costs, minimize downtime, and improve customer satisfaction. The session will cover building a health model, instrumenting an application, supporting Group Policy and WMI, Managing Applications via Windows Powershell, deployment and building an Operations Manager 2007 management pack.   

INF308 Top 10 Mistakes Developers Make – Tales of an Over-Worked IT Pro   

Ever thought “It worked on my machine”, had an application crash when more than one user was online or had to roll back an update because your service sucked up all the bandwidth? Once your software is “complete”, it still needs to be deployed and operated, a set of requirements often overlooked. If you’ve ever had a problem with a “finished” piece of software, whether it be installation, configuration, performance, security or you just want to know how to reduce the risk (and cost) of shipping software then this session is for you. During this session, you’ll see what the top IT Pro challenges are, and how you - the developer – can avoid the mistakes that cause them.  

WIN302 .NET Framework 3.5 End-to-End: Putting the Pieces Together - Part 1   

Do you build .NET Applications? In this session, learn how to use the .NET Framework to build better end-to-end solutions using the DinnerNow.NET Sample application. From a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) client to a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service tier driven by Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), walk through a solution from whiteboard to PowerShell script, and everything in between. We highlight management, security, workflow, services, and mobile applications, in different areas of the DinnerNow solution. Come to this session to see how one piece fits into a bigger solution, or how the .NET Framework can be leveraged to increase agility in application development.   

WIN303 .NET Framework 3.5 End-to-End: Putting the Pieces Together - Part 2   

WIN01-IS Interactive 'Dinner Now' Demo Drilldown   

Come with your questions for Matt and David about the Dinner Now demo. If there is something that you need to do in .NET Framework 3.5 but don’t know how, come and ask!   


Drew Robbins

INF01-IS Hosting PHP on Internet Information Server 7 

In this session you’ll find out why Windows 2008 Server is a great platform for hosting PHP applications. First, we will configure PHP using the new FastCGI module in Internet Information Server (IIS) 7. Then we’ll use the new capabilities of IIS 7 to secure, extend and manage a PHP application. We’ll also look at how the performance of your applications can be improved when hosting on Windows 2008.  

INF201 Introducing Internet Information Server 7 for Developers   

Come learn about new developer features that help make Internet Information Server (IIS) 7 the most flexible, extensible and customizable Web server on the planet. We have rebuilt the extensibility model for IIS7 to be more modular and customizable. We’ll cover the new extensibility architecture in IIS7. In IIS7, the core IIS web server functionality is implemented using the same platform that you will use to build your extensions to the server. We’ll also show off the new distributed configuration system and how easy it is to deploy applications, including IIS configuration, through simple XCopy deployment. You’ll learn about improved support in IIS7 for common Web programming languages like PHP as well as how to do applications using the best of PHP and ASP.NET. 


Justin Smith

SBP202 - Connections in the Cloud – BizTalk Services and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

Software + Services is a major part of Microsoft's strategy for the future. Just as the .NET Framework is foundational software that lets you build virtually all manner of applications, BizTalk Services is a set of foundational service that allows you to connect all manner of WCF applications across the WAN (plus much more). This talk describes BizTalk Services, how to use it via the WCF API, and describes how the capabilities of BizTalk Services impact application architecture going forward. Some knowledge of WCF is useful but not absolutely necessary for this talk.

SBP06-IS - Windows Communication Foundation Performance

A key to understanding performance of any system is an understanding of the tradeoffs one can make. In a more relaxed, casual environment come and join us for a conversation about performance. This chalk talk will be organized around a series of performance considerations for Windows Communication Foundation and how those considerations can positively and negatively impact performance of your solutions. Bring your questions (and answers you’ve discovered) to this sessions!

SBP304 - Implementing Workflow Enabled Services and Durable Services using .NET Framework 3.5

Inside .NET Framework 3.5, there is new functionality allowing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services to be built and consumed from a Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) workflow. This session will introduce the feature, discussing motivation, scenarios, and reasons for using this feature, an architectural overview and demos moving from a simple service written as a workflow to a complex scenario with many workflows communicating with each other. Additionally, the ability to execute workflows as a service requires the WCF runtime to be aware of durable instances, that is, the state of a given service. This talk will also highlight the ability to durably store the state of a WCF service written in imperative code.  

SBP401 - Architecture of Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation and Common Extensibility Points

This session provides a deep dive into the architecture of the Windows Communication Foundation's channel layer and parts of the service model layer. Learn about the role of bindings in creating the channel stack; and about the many extensibility options you can use to change the behavior of the runtime.  

SBP12-IS - Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Open Microphone Q&A

Bring questions and comments about Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and ask our panel of WCF experts any questions. This talk will be highly conversational, with no prepared presentation, just your questions, and the discussions that ensue.  


Matt Winkler

WIN302 .NET Framework 3.5 End-to-End: Putting the Pieces Together - Part 1

Do you build .NET Applications? In this session, learn how to use the .NET Framework to build better end-to-end solutions using the DinnerNow.NET Sample application. From a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) client to a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service tier driven by Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), walk through a solution from whiteboard to PowerShell script, and everything in between. We highlight management, security, workflow, services, and mobile applications, in different areas of the DinnerNow solution. Come to this session to see how one piece fits into a bigger solution, or how the .NET Framework can be leveraged to increase agility in application development.  

WIN303 .NET Framework 3.5 End-to-End: Putting the Pieces Together - Part 2  

WIN01-IS Interactive 'Dinner Now' Demo Drilldown  

Come with your questions for Matt and David about the Dinner Now demo. If there is something that you need to do in .NET Framework 3.5 but don’t know how, come and ask!  

SBP313 What is the Context of this Conversation? Enabling Long Running Conversations in Workflow Services  

The .NET Framework 3.5 will introduce the functionality to call services from Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), and to expose workflows as a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. A common pattern is to have a workflow serve as the coordinator between a number of other processes (including workflows). This talk will discuss how these conversations are implemented in WF, and common patterns for conversing over a long period of time, including asynchronous messaging, long-running cancellable work, managing m-of-n responses and check pointing of progress.  

SBP304 Implementing Workflow Enabled Services and Durable Services using .NET Framework 3.5  

Inside .NET Framework 3.5, there is new functionality allowing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services to be built and consumed from a Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) workflow. This session will introduce the feature, discussing motivation, scenarios, and reasons for using this feature, an architectural overview and demos moving from a simple service written as a workflow to a complex scenario with many workflows communicating with each other. Additionally, the ability to execute workflows as a service requires the WCF runtime to be aware of durable instances, that is, the state of a given service. This talk will also highlight the ability to durably store the state of a WCF service written in imperative code.  

SBP09-IS Windows Workflow Foundation Performance 

A key to understanding performance of any system is an understanding of the tradeoffs one can make. In a more relaxed, casual environment come and join us for a conversation about performance. This chalk talk will be organized around a series of performance considerations for Windows Workflow Foundation and how those considerations can positively and negatively impact performance of your workflow solutions. These performance considerations will enable us to understand the different switches and knobs available to a workflow developer and how those impact performance. Bring your questions (and answers you’ve discovered) to this sessions!

SBP08-IS Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) Open Microphone Talk  

“Should I let a business analyst compose workflows?”

“Why is this class sealed?”

“How can I extend the designer to fit my scenario?”

“How would I build and use a repository of business rules in non-WF applications?”

“I think that WF is great.”

“I think that WF is a horrible idea.”

Bring questions and comments about Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), and ask our panel of WF experts any question. This chalk talk will be highly conversational, with no prepared presentation, just your questions, and the discussions that ensue.


Vittorio Bertocci

Securing ASP.NET and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Applications with Windows CardSpace (SBP309)

Windows CardSpace, released last year with the .NET Framework 3.0, introduced a safer and easier way of managing online identities and securing access to websites and web services. This session will demonstrate how you can easily build Web sites that accept Information Cards and it will also demonstrate how you can create Security Token Services (STS) and enable card provisioning in a few simple steps.

Building Applications using the Identity Metasystem Security Model (SBP11-IS)

Identity, claims, tokens - all are important concepts that you need to master within your solution but so far, every developer had to handle these pieces of security via custom code possibly resulting in security issues and inconsistent approaches. In this session, we will be discussing your problems and how future Microsoft Identity Frameworks can help you address them.


Jason Olson

INF203 Windows Server 2008 for Developers – Application Compatibility

There are plenty of new features in Windows Server 2008 that developers can get excited about. However, there are some key areas you need to be aware of if you want your applications to run smoothly on Windows Server 2008. Come hear about the top ten most common issues you should avoid in order to help prevent your application from breaking on Windows Server 2008.

INF307 Windows Server 2008 for Developers – Transactional NTFS

There are plenty of new features in Windows Server 2008 that developers can get excited about. One of the many is Transactional NTFS. The capability of incorporating fully ACID-capable file operations into a greater transactional system opens up many possibilities. Come see how you, as a developer, can leverage this technology in your own solutions.
