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PHP Application support on Windows Server

If you have not noticed recently, the level of support that we are building for PHP and the community is becoming pretty impressive.

I have shared a couple (1) (2) of screencasts on my blog which show the great support for PHP on IIS7 and IIS6 through FastCGI. The latest video by Dave Northey also shows extra performance features you can take advantage of through IIS7 caching.

However, ever so quietly we have compiled a list of applications, together with support notes for how you can install the most popular PHP applications on the Windows Platform. Currently here is the list of applications we support, and you can go to the following location (https://www.iis.net/phpapps) to get a list of the setup scripts.

There is still lots more to do for sure and hopefully a lot more work in the coming months to get more of the great PHP applications supported on the Windows Platform. Watch this space.
