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Steve's not gonna be there, but I will

Yesterday afternoon, I was working at home, digging through my email and trying to let my background process work on my MWSF presentation. Suddenly, Twitter and my RSS feeds exploded with the news that there's no Stevenote this year, and Apple won't be at MWSF2010 (and the subsequent news that Apple cancelled Christmas too).

Well, Steve won't be there, but I will, along with the rest of MacBU. Okay, not all of us, but the booth is entirely staffed by MacBU and our MVPs, with a couple of crowd wranglers thrown in for good measure. We've got a little theatre set up for giving big demos, and of course you can ask anyone in the booth to talk through something in one of the apps.

If you want to chat with me sometime during MWSF, here's my schedule right now:

  • Monday and Tuesday, all day: I'm one of the presenters for the Office:Mac Power Tools two-day session. My talk is scheduled for Monday afternoon, but I'll probably be spending most of those two days there.
  • Thursday 2pm-6pm: in the booth
  • Friday 10am-1pm: in the booth

I'm sure that there's more (I haven't listed any of the parties or the beer swilling), but that's my official schedule.

See you in San Francisco!