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Why should you compete in Microsoft’s premiere Imagine Cup IT Challenge Competition?

1. Free practice for the “real thing”  (IT Challenges quizzes are like mini Microsoft certification exams…and we even offer free practice tests for the IT Challenge quizzes themselves!)

2. Free e-learning benefits (over 100 hours of free e-learning for all students that register)

3. Recognition

4. Great resume builder

5. It’s FREE and convenient –student can compete from the comfort of their computer

6. Bragging rights -students compete against their peers and friends

7. Prizes!

a. Round 1 Prizes.    All Individuals who are invited to advance to Round 2, will receive a 6-month subscription to the E-Reference IT Professional Library (ARV, $75 USD).   The 6-month subscription must be used February – July 2009.

b. Round 2 Prizes. All Individuals who are invited to advance to Round 2, and who successfully complete and submit each of the three (3) Round 2 events (Multiple Choice Quiz, Case Study Quiz, Short Case Study) will receive a Microsoft lapel pin and Certificate of Completion, (ARV, $10 USD)

c. Ten (10) Finalist Prizes. All Finalists will receive a trip to Cairo, Egypt to compete in the Worldwide Imagine Cup 2009 Finals. Trip includes round trip air travel, hotel accommodations and select meals.

· First Place. A prize package that consists of the following:   $8,000 USD

o A Microsoft IT Academy and Microsoft Learning Prize Package (ARV, $1,000 USD) that consists of the following:

o Microsoft Press books

o A Microsoft Certification training voucher

o A Microsoft Certification exam voucher

· Second Place. $4,000 USD

· Third Place. $3,000 USD

To register or for more information, pleasevisit: https://imaginecup.com/Competition/mycompetitionportal.aspx?competitionId=23