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Code Project’s Azure Cloud Challenge- Discover the Cloud

Code Project’s Azure Cloud Challenge Overview:

· What is the Azure Cloud Challenge? Code Project’s Azure Cloud Challenge is a total of 5 Challenges, each about two weeks long, that when combined will result in an a web application hosted on Azure that uses Azure data services, virtual machines and provides a great mobile experience. Everything a modern cloud based application needs.

There will be tiered prizes for the winning submissions, including an editor’s choice award for the most creative / complex submission. Additionally, the BG also plans to take some of the winning customer submissions and highlight them through their social media outlets including Facebook & Twitter.

· Who are we targeting? All experience developers. Code Project’s community includes: 4M Developers Worldwide (1.2M US). Code Project is owned by Developer Media whose network stretches to 23M developers worldwide. 

· What are we trying to drive?  

o Developer Outreach: Provide thousands of developers will engage with Azure via hands on challenges to test their developer capabilities. Other members of their community will read and comment on peer challenge stories, thus driving awareness/readiness for Azure.

o Download the Azure Trial: Focus on getting +2000 Azure trial downloads. 

o Create Hands on Experiences with Azure: Diligently drive 30% of participants to complete more than one of the challenges.                

· When does the challenge run? Now – June 24th