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International SQL Server Survey: Win a portable music player!

The Windows Server System team is doing a Learning and Help survey and need more SQL Server specific feedback.

If you live outside of the United States or Canada, we want to know more about your experience with SQL Server!

How did you initially learn to use SQL? What are your preferences for learning new topics?

What can we do to make SQL easier to learn and use?

Send e-mail to wssinfo@microsoft.com to obtain a secure code and link to the survey. Complete the survey for a chance to win a portable MP3 player!

(Please note the survey language in your mail: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified or Chinese Traditional).


In German:

Das Windows Server System team fuehrt eine Lern- und Hilfesystemumfrage durch und braucht mehr SQL Server spezifisches Feedback.

Falls Ihr ausserhalb der USA oder Kanada lebt, wollen wir mehr ueber Eure Erfahrungen mit SQL Server wissen!

Wie habt Ihr anfaenglich SQL gelernt? Wie lernt Ihr am besten neue Gebiete?

Wie koennen wir SQL einfacher zum Lernen und Benutzen vermitteln?

Sendet Email an wssinfo@microsoft.com, um den Sicherheitskode und den Link zur Umfrage zu erhalten. Fuellt die Umfrage aus und erhaltet die Moeglichkeit einen MP3 player zu gewinnen!

(Bitte gebt die bevorzugte Sprache in Eurer Email an: Englisch, Franzoesisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Vereinfachtes oder Traditionelles Chinesisch)


  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2006
    Here are my comments:

    1. Quite a number of sites are there who provided huge amount of Functions, SampleCode; why can't these be integrated as part of core-library.  May be along with other user databases (Adventureworks, Pubs...), you may add Library database & have most of commonly used code-base available there.

    2. People write code & then encounter a bug for which then they search in Search Engine for Resolution. Quite a number of times, they are unable to find the solution. Here is a good example, yesterday when I was using "SQLCMD/OSQL" it gave me this stupid error "Remote Connection.... not configured", to my surprise I could not find anything on Microsoft site for the solution, but found some info. on other site after lots of search.

    I personally believe you guys should provide an option to "Send Error Message" option that will send MOST Frequently encountered error by the users, so that you can have your search engine keep answers ready for most commonly encountered bug (and Promote your Search Engine too :))