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The Midweek Download: Sept. 12th Edition – 10 Advantages of the New Office

In this edition of The Midweek Download, we’ve got stories on the new Office, Kinect for Windows, Windows 8 apps and more. Check ‘em out.

Ten things you’ll never have to say with the new Office. Since the new Office launched on July 16, millions of people have downloaded the Customer Preview and likely updated their vocabulary to match the new things they’re doing, such as sharing links instead of attachments, moving documents from USB drives into the cloud and using a stylus that can’t run out of ink. Head on over to the Microsoft News Center and check out this slideshow on 10 things you’ll never have to say with the new Office. That’s one of them below.


Kinect for Windows Update: Interview with Rob Relyea. Rob Relyea is a Program Manager on the Kinect for Windows team, and a diehard enthusiast at heart. This interview with Rob Relyea on the Extreme Windows Blog includes both a Kinect for Windows technology tour and also an overview and demonstration of some of the new features. Check it out!

App developers: Embracing UI on demand with the app bar. Creating a great app requires honing in on what makes your app best in its category and making that shine. Windows 8 provides tools like charms and app bars to make it easy to really focus on what makes your app best in class and minimize anything that distracts from it. Learn to use those tools and your app and your users will be able to really enjoy what makes your app great. Your app is the movie theatre and your app's content is the movie. This idea of creating an environment for users to immerse themselves in your app is core to the new design. Check out this Sept. 6 post on the Windows 8 App Developer Blog for the rest of the story.

From the Windows Phone Developer Blog: Memory Profiling. Fixing a memory usage issue ultimately requires going to the method in source that caused the allocation, but as we saw previously allocation requests can be camouflaged in syntactic sugar or compiler generated type names, and the process of discovering the source of an allocation and the execution path that led to it can get wearing, a condition the Methods view alleviates. Get the full story over on the Windows Phone Developer Blog.

Microsoft Desktop Virtualization: Taking another step forward with UE-V and VDI. During the past few months, we've discussed how Microsoft Desktop Virtualization enables people to change their device and keep their experience, as well as gain access to their apps from virtually anywhere – all with the ability to access Windows everywhere. Now, we’re happy to share more good news with the availability of the UE-V Release Candidate (RC). UE-V will reach general availability when the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) 2012 becomes available in the fourth quarter of this calendar year. Head on over to the Windows for Your Business Blog for the rest of the story.

XSS Trends and Internet Explorer. As far back as 2005, cross-site scripting (XSS) was recognized as the most commonly reported type of software vulnerability. A more recent study by Veracode using data from the Web Hacking Incident Database shows that XSS is the most prevalent vulnerability in Web applications and the second most likely to be leveraged in real-world attacks. Read more about it on the IEBlog.

Microsoft and IUCN form unique partnership to tackle species extinction. Microsoft and IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, jointly announced on Tuesday at the 2012 IUCN World Conservation Congress in South Korea, the formation of a new partnership to further strengthen the information available on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. Specifically, Microsoft will provide a combination of scientific expertise and new technologies, to enable a better understanding of current and future extinction threats to the world’s plant, fungi and animal species, and to allow for better conservation policy frameworks to be devised. You can read more about it over on the EMEA Press Centre.

That’s a wrap for this edition of The Midweek Download! Thanks for reading The Official Microsoft Blog.

Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, The Official Microsoft Blog