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Microsoft and the NFL kick off new interactive in-game and fantasy experiences for Xbox One

Microsoft and the National Football League have changed the way you will watch the most popular sport in North America through a new multi-year partnership that will deliver interactive television experiences for the next-generation Xbox One.

“The NFL on Xbox will provide fans an all-new viewing experience through innovations around Skype and SmartGlass, an all-new innovative fantasy football solution allowing fans to view players and live competition side-by-side on a single TV screen, and a personalized NFL destination featuring information about the players, teams and games fans care about most. Xbox will also enable fans to use SmartGlass technology to enhance game day,” Xbox Wire Editor Lisa Gurry writes today.

The new partnership also changes the game for NFL teams because coaches and players will soon have access to a variety of cutting-edge Microsoft solutions, including Surface tablets to enhance on-field communications, photo viewing and play calling.

Microsoft and the NFL envision a sideline of the future with players reviewing in-game photos from different camera angles directly from the sideline and head coaches calling plays off connected Surface tablets instead of today’s clipboards and paper products. With Microsoft technology, NFL coaches, players and other personnel will have the technology they need to improve decision-making and on-field performance.

To get the full download on today’s unveiling of the Xbox One, be sure to check out Xbox Wire throughout the day.

Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, The Official Microsoft Blog