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“It’s all about the games” in Xbox's E3 2013 Media Briefing

If you missed Monday’s E3 2013 Xbox Media Briefing, this almost two-minute video will catch you up on the highlights, including a first look at the extended trailer for “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” on Xbox One, the new console for Xbox 360, and special deals on Xbox Live.

But really, it’s all about the games – whether they’re played on Xbox 360, Xbox One or SmartGlass with Xbox One. The video is perfect for those with a low attention span (raising hand here), because it’s a blitzkrieg of riveting excerpts. You’ll see flashes of Game DVR, the “Halo” debut on Xbox One, “Sunset Overdrive,” “Killer Instinct,” and other games that have mesmerized a community of 76 million.

Watch the video on Xbox Wire.

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Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff