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Here’s what’s new in the latest Windows Phone 8 update


The latest update for Windows Phone 8 devices started rolling out a few weeks back and has recently started to pick up momentum.

Last week, the HTC Windows Phone 8X on AT&T and the Nokia Lumia 928 on Verizon Wireless started receiving it and on Tuesday, Lumia 822 owners on Verizon started seeing update notifications. In addition, some Lumia models are also getting a companion upgrade from Nokia called “Amber.” You can find out more about that update over on Nokia Conversations.

In an effort to answer some common questions about the latest update seen in the Twittersphere, Windows Phone Blog Editor Michael Stroh has put together an in-depth breakdown of some of the new features Windows Phone 8 device owners will see in the update.

“The software updates we push out between major releases are primarily designed to make existing Windows Phone 8 features work better, bring Windows Phone to new carriers like Sprint and China Mobile, and enable cutting-edge new devices like the Nokia Lumia 1020. But we still try to squeeze in some fun extras, too,” writes Stroh over on the Windows Phone Blog.

Here’s a quick list of some of the new features:

· Data Sense – helps you stay on top of your phone's data usage (including keeping track of which apps use the most data) and set a limit based on your data plan.

· FM Radio – By popular request, we’ve brought back the FM radio feature from Windows Phone 7. To use it, tap Music + Videos, then flick to Collection. Not all Windows Phones support FM radio.

· Camera – The update includes several tweaks that will please photographers. It improves what you see when zooming in on high-res photos in the viewfinder. On certain phone models, you also now have the option of changing which photo app opens when you press the Camera button.

To find out more about the latest update, read this post over on the Windows Phone Blog.

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Jeff Meisner