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Daily Update, Oct. 2nd – Taking the Wraps off of WE Day Seattle & a Nitol Botnet Update

Two big stories out of Microsoft today:

· Today, in front of 2,000 students and teachers at Federal Way High School in Washington state, Microsoft General Counsel and Executive Vice President of Legal & Corporate Affairs Brad Smith joined Free The Children founder Craig Kielburger and Seattle Seahawks’ Head Coach Pete Carroll to announce We Day Seattle - an exciting new, year-long program at that will educate, engage and empower 15,000 youth in Washington to become involved global citizens. To get the rest of this story, read Brad’s post over on the Microsoft Corporate Citizenship Blog.

· Two weeks ago, Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit disrupted 500 strains of malware with the potential for targeting millions of innocent people in a legal and technical action against the Nitol botnet. Earlier today, we announced that we’ve reached a settlement with the defendants in the Nitol case, which will help guarantee that the 70,000 malicious subdomains associated with 3322.org will never again be used for cybercrime. The Official Microsoft Blog has the whole story.

Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, The Official Microsoft Blog