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Daily Update, Jan. 31st – Microsoft Introduces modern.IE Tools & Resources for Developers

We’ve got three big stories out of Microsoft today from the Internet Explorer team, Bing and Server and Tools. Check ‘em out:

First, today we are introducing modern.IE, a free set of tools and resources designed to make it easier for developers to ensure their sites work beautifully across Internet Explorer as well as other modern browsers. As part of the modern.IE release, we’re excited to announce a special partnership with BrowserStack, a leading browser testing service that lets developers test their site on any browser on any Windows OS. For any web developer that visits BrowserStack via modern.IE, we’re offering three months of this service for free over the next year. Head on over to the Exploring IE Blog for the rest of the story and be sure to watch the video below.

Second, Office 365 Home Premium is now available to everyone as a subscription service, giving busy people and families new ways to get more done on the go. Similar to how Bing is powering apps on Windows 8, Windows Phone and Xbox ,we created the Bing Apps for Office, which are free Bing-powered apps that can be used with the new Office 365 Home Premium. Our goal is to make Bing available in convenient and intuitive ways that take advantage of knowledge Bing has assembled for search. You can read more about Bing Apps for Office over on the Bing Search Blog. Below is a screenshot of Bing Image Search for Office.

Bing Apps for Office

Third, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting is now available which uses their Total Economic Impact methodology to explore the potential costs and benefits of Windows Server 2012, a cornerstone of the Microsoft Cloud OS vision. This study involved surveys and interviews with customers who have already deployed Windows Server 2012 in production. Over two dozen customers were involved. The results? “Based on these findings, companies that are considering deploying Windows Server 2012 can anticipate a reduction in IT infrastructure spend, better data center efficiency, improved IT management, a better experience for end users, and improved service availability.” Read more about it over on the Server & Cloud Blog.

Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, The Official Microsoft Blog