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SharePoint Designer 2007 is now available as a free download


Following up on our previous communication, SharePoint Designer 2007 is now available as a free download. For more information visit https://www.microsoft.com/spd.

Call To Action

Additional external resources are now available here:

1.     FAQ

2.     Letter to our Customers

3.     SharePoint Designer 2007 Free Download

4.     Video interview with Tom Rizzo, Sr. Director of Product Management for SharePoint, available in GetStartedSharePoint in YouTube

a.       Also available here as a download:

                                                               i.      Small size video (6MB)

                                                             ii.      Medium size video (17 MB)

                                                            iii.     Large size video (83 MB)

5.     These changes have already received positive press mentions, including:

a.       SharePoint Designer 2007 Free to Download, Barb Mosher, CMSWire, 4/2/2009, a very balanced post that hits on all of the key messages of the announcement.

b.      Microsoft Offering SharePoint Designer for Free, Kevin McLaughlin, CRN, 4/2/2009. This article is very supportive of the announcement and focuses on the benefits for customers who “continue to push the possibilities of the SharePoint platform.” Kevin includes our most recent momentum stats (“a billion-dollar business with more than 100 million licenses sold to date”) and provides a link to the Tom Rizzo Q&A download video. Kevin also quotes two happy partners, ExpertCollab and SIS, who both feel that offering SharePoint Designer for free was “long overdue” and helps simplify the SharePoint experience for customers.

Additional Information

-       Versions of the product others than English will temporarily require a license key (available directly on the Download Site). We will update those bits very soon to remove that minor step of entering a key.

-       Not all messages are localized for all geographies. We are working hard to finish those.


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