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Erro durante a instalação do Exchange 2007 SP2


Se durante a instalação do Exchange 2007 SP2 (com o SP2 integrado) você receber a seguinte mensagem de erro:

Installing product C:\EXchnge2007SP2\exchangeserver.msi failed. Fatal error during installation. Error code is 1603. Last error reported by the MSI package is 'The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Exchange Server 2007 that you're running. Check your computer to see whether you need an x64 (64-bit) or x86 (32-bit) version of this file.'.

Fatal error during installation

verifique se o conteúdo da pasta Updates na raiz do DVD de instalação do Exchange 2007 SP2, contém apenas updates da arquitetura correta (x86 e x64). Por exemplo, se você estiver instalando Exchange 2007 para arquitetura x64, na pasta Updates copie apenas updates para x64.

Na instalação do Exchange em um cliente recentemente, baixei o Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) e copiei para a pasta Updates a fim de automatizar a instalação do Exchange.

Logo no início da instalação recebi a mensagem de erro acima, e então verifiquei que havia baixado a versão x86 do update. Baixei novamente a versão correta x64, copiei para a pasta e funcionou perfeitamente.

No log de instalação em C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ExchangeSetup.txt aparece o seguinte trecho:

[5/26/2010 12:04:13 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/26/2010 12:04:16 AM] [1] ProductCode is 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.
[5/26/2010 12:04:16 AM] [1] PackagePath was set to 'C:\Exchange2007SP2\exchangeserver.msi'; normalizing to 'C:\Exchange2007SP2\exchangeserver.msi'.
[5/26/2010 12:04:17 AM] [1] ProductCode is 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.
[5/26/2010 12:04:17 AM] [1] Installing MSI package 'C:\EXchnge2007SP2\exchangeserver.msi'.
[5/26/2010 12:04:17 AM] [1] Patch file 'C:\Exchange2007SP2\Updates\Exchange2007-KB981383-x86-EN.msp' was found in the patch directory.
[5/26/2010 12:04:17 AM] [1] Found a valid order for the available patches.
[5/26/2010 12:04:17 AM] [1] Patch 'C:\Exchange2007SP2\Updates\Exchange2007-KB981383-x86-EN.msp' has order '0'. The status code returned was '0'.
[5/26/2010 12:04:17 AM] [1] Patch 'C:\Exchange2007SP2\Updates\Exchange2007-KB981383-x86-EN.msp' is valid for the current .msi package. The patch order is '0'.
[5/26/2010 12:04:17 AM] [1] The patch attribute will be set to 'C:\EXchnge2007SP2\Updates\Exchange2007-KB981383-x86-EN.msp;' for the .msi package.
[5/26/2010 12:04:46 AM] [1] [ERROR] Unexpected Error
[5/26/2010 12:04:46 AM] [1] [ERROR] Installing product C:\Exchange2007SP2\exchangeserver.msi failed. Fatal error during installation. Error code is 1603. Last error reported by the MSI package is 'The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Exchange Server 2007 that you're running. Check your computer to see whether you need an x64 (64-bit) or x86 (32-bit) version of this file.'.
[5/26/2010 12:04:46 AM] [1] [ERROR] Fatal error during installation
[5/26/2010 12:04:46 AM] [1] Ending processing.