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Group Policy Client Side Extension List

So I was on a customer site, troubleshooting a Group policy Client Side extension issue and could not quite figure out all of the Client side extensions that were in use just by GUID.  I was reviewing the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions and there were loads of extensions that was unsure about what they were.  Some had no information about them held in the registry (As far as I could see anyway :)  ) 

So I said to myself, Mark (which is indeed my name ;) wouldnt it be nice to have a list of as many GPO extensions as possible, so that if I run into this situation again, I can resolve all the GPO CSE extensions using a quick reference list.  So as I searched the internet, there does not seem to be a list of all Client Side extensions and their functions (There are a few scattered across MSDN or Microsoft.com or Technet).  So, here we go with mine.. I will update this list as I go along. Feel free to tell me any more that you want to add to this list, or indeed, correct my list :)


GUID: Component
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Core GPO Engine
{0E28E245-9368-4853-AD84-6DA3BA35BB75} Preference CSE GUID Environment Variables
{0F6B957D-509E-11D1-A7CC-0000F87571E3} Tool Extension GUID (Computer Policy Settings)
{0F6B957E-509E-11D1-A7CC-0000F87571E3} Tool Extension GUID (User Policy Settings) - Restrict Run
{1612b55c-243c-48dd-a449-ffc097b19776} Preference Tool CSE GUID Data Sources
{17D89FEC-5C44-4972-B12D-241CAEF74509} Preference CSE GUID Local users and groups
{1A6364EB-776B-4120-ADE1-B63A406A76B5} Preference CSE GUID Devices
{1b767e9a-7be4-4d35-85c1-2e174a7ba951} Preference Tool CSE GUID Devices
{25537BA6-77A8-11D2-9B6C-0000F8080861} Folder Redirection
{2EA1A81B-48E5-45E9-8BB7-A6E3AC170006} Preference Tool CSE GUID Drives
{3060E8CE-7020-11D2-842D-00C04FA372D4} Remote Installation Services.
{35141B6B-498A-4CC7-AD59-CEF93D89B2CE} Preference Tool CSE GUID Environment Variables
{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2 Registry Settings
{3610EDA5-77EF-11D2-8DC5-00C04FA31A66} Microsoft Disk Quota
{3A0DBA37-F8B2-4356-83DE-3E90BD5C261F} Preference CSE GUID Network Options
{3BAE7E51-E3F4-41D0-853D-9BB9FD47605F} Preference Tool CSE GUID Files
{3BFAE46A-7F3A-467B-8CEA-6AA34DC71F53} Preference Tool CSE GUID Folder Options
{3EC4E9D3-714D-471F-88DC-4DD4471AAB47} Preference Tool CSE GUID Folders
{40B66650-4972-11D1-A7CA-0000F87571E3} Scripts (Logon/Logoff) Run Restriction
{42B5FAAE-6536-11d2-AE5A-0000F87571E3} ProcessScriptsGroupPolicy
{47BA4403-1AA0-47F6-BDC5-298F96D1C2E3} Print Policy in PolicyMaker
{4CFB60C1-FAA6-47f1-89AA-0B18730C9FD3} Internet Explorer Zonemapping
{516FC620-5D34-4B08-8165-6A06B623EDEB} Preference Tool CSE GUID Ini Files
{53D6AB1D-2488-11D1-A28C-00C04FB94F17} Certificates Run Restriction
{5794DAFD-BE60-433f-88A2-1A31939AC01F} Preference CSE GUID Drives
{5C935941-A954-4F7C-B507-885941ECE5C4} Preference Tool CSE GUID Internet Settings
{6232C319-91AC-4931-9385-E70C2B099F0E} Group Policy Folders
{6232C319-91AC-4931-9385-E70C2B099F0E} Preference CSE GUID Folders
{6A4C88C6-C502-4f74-8F60-2CB23EDC24E2} Preference CSE GUID Network Shares
{7150F9BF-48AD-4da4-A49C-29EF4A8369BA} Preference CSE GUID Files
{728EE579-943C-4519-9EF7-AB56765798ED} Preference CSE GUID Data Sources
{74EE6C03-5363-4554-B161-627540339CAB} Preference CSE GUID Ini Files
{79F92669-4224-476c-9C5C-6EFB4D87DF4A} Preference Tool CSE GUID Local users and groups
{7B849a69-220F-451E-B3FE-2CB811AF94AE} Internet Explorer User Accelerators/PolicyMaker
{803E14A0-B4FB-11D0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B} Computer Restricted Groups
{827D319E-6EAC-11D2-A4EA-00C04F79F83A} Security
{88E729D6-BDC1-11D1-BD2A-00C04FB9603F} Folder Redirection
{8A28E2C5-8D06-49A4-A08C-632DAA493E17} Deployed Printer Connections
{91FBB303-0CD5-4055-BF42-E512A681B325} Preference CSE GUID Services
{942A8E4F-A261-11D1-A760-00C04FB9603F} Software Installation (Computers).
{949FB894-E883-42C6-88C1-29169720E8CA} Preference Tool CSE GUID Network Options
{9AD2BAFE-63B4-4883-A08C-C3C6196BCAFD} Preference Tool CSE GUID Power Options
{A2E30F80-D7DE-11d2-BBDE-00C04F86AE3B] Internet Explorer Maintenance policy processing
{A3F3E39B-5D83-4940-B954-28315B82F0A8} Preference CSE GUID Folder Options
{A8C42CEA-CDB8-4388-97F4-5831F933DA84} Preference Tool CSE GUID Printers
{AADCED64-746C-4633-A97C-D61349046527} Preference CSE GUID Scheduled Tasks
{B087BE9D-ED37-454f-AF9C-04291E351182} Preference CSE GUID Registry
{B1BE8D72-6EAC-11D2-A4EA-00C04F79F83A] EFS Recovery
{B587E2B1-4D59-4e7e-AED9-22B9DF11D053} 802.3 Group Policy
{B9CCA4DE-E2B9-4CBD-BF7D-11B6EBFBDDF7} Preference Tool CSE GUID Regional Options
{BACF5C8A-A3C7-11D1-A760-00C04FB9603F} Software Installation (Users) Run Restriction
{BC75B1ED-5833-4858-9BB8-CBF0B166DF9D} Preference CSE GUID Printers
{BEE07A6A-EC9F-4659-B8C9-0B1937907C83} Preference Tool CSE GUID Registry
{BFCBBEB0-9DF4-4c0c-A728-434EA66A0373} Preference Tool CSE GUID Network Shares
{C418DD9D-0D14-4efb-8FBF-CFE535C8FAC7} Preference CSE GUID Shortcuts
{C631DF4C-088F-4156-B058-4375F0853CD8} Microsoft Offline Files
{C6DC5466-785A-11D2-84D0-00C04FB169F7] Application Management
{CAB54552-DEEA-4691-817E-ED4A4D1AFC72} Preference Tool CSE GUID Scheduled Tasks
{CC5746A9-9B74-4be5-AE2E-64379C86E0E4} Preference Tool CSE GUID Services
{cdeafc3d-948d-49dd-ab12-e578ba4af7aa} TCPIP
{CEFFA6E2-E3BD-421B-852C-6F6A79A59BC1} Preference Tool CSE GUID Shortcuts
{CF7639F3-ABA2-41DB-97F2-81E2C5DBFC5D} Internet Explorer Machine Accelerators
{CF7639F3-ABA2-41DB-97F2-81E2C5DBFC5D} Policy Maker
{CF848D48-888D-4F45-B530-6A201E62A605} Preference Tool CSE GUID Start Menu
{D02B1F72-3407-48AE-BA88-E8213C6761F1} Tool Extension GUID (Computer Policy Settings)
{D02B1F73-3407-48AE-BA88-E8213C6761F1} Tool Extension GUID (User Policy Settings)
{e437bc1c-aa7d-11d2-a382-00c04f991e27] IP Security
{E47248BA-94CC-49C4-BBB5-9EB7F05183D0} Preference CSE GUID Internet Settings
{E4F48E54-F38D-4884-BFB9-D4D2E5729C18} Preference CSE GUID Start Menu
{E5094040-C46C-4115-B030-04FB2E545B00} Preference CSE GUID Regional Options
{E62688F0-25FD-4c90-BFF5-F508B9D2E31F} Preference CSE GUID Power Options
{F0DB2806-FD46-45B7-81BD-AA3744B32765} Policy Maker
{F17E8B5B-78F2-49A6-8933-7B767EDA5B41} Policy Maker
{F27A6DA8-D22B-4179-A042-3D715F9E75B5} Policy Maker
{f3ccc681-b74c-4060-9f26-cd84525dca2a} Audit Policy Configuration
{F581DAE7-8064-444A-AEB3-1875662A61CE} Policy Maker
{F648C781-42C9-4ED4-BB24-AEB8853701D0} Policy Maker
{F6E72D5A-6ED3-43D9-9710-4440455F6934} Policy Maker
{F9C77450-3A41-477E-9310-9ACD617BD9E3} Group Policy Applications
{FB2CA36D-0B40-4307-821B-A13B252DE56C} Enterprise QoS
{FC715823-C5FB-11D1-9EEF-00A0C90347FF} Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension protocol
{FD2D917B-6519-4BF7-8403-456C0C64312F} Policy Maker
{FFC64763-70D2-45BC-8DEE-7ACAF1BA7F89} Policy Maker


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    This list contains everything that I have found from all operating systems including Windows 7 and all sertver editions.   If you find any that is not here, then please email me and I will add it in

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Appreciate your efforts..!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    {40B6664F-4972-11D1-A7CA-0000F87571E3} - Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2011
    Is this list contains Windows Server 2008 R2 CSE ? or just win2003

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2014

  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2014
    Great reference thanks.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2014
    {A2E30F80-D7DE-11D2-BBDE-00C04F86AE3B} - Internet Explorer Branding

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2015
    {D76B9641-3288-4f75-942D-087DE603E3EA} - AdmPwd (LAPS)

  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2015
    A host of reference material for AD and Group Policy

  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2015
    Smashing Mark, thank you very much indeed! ;)

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2015
    Is there a chance anyone knows of a compiled list of what GPO settings fire which DLL? If for example I were to build GPOs per-CSE then I would love to have a list rather than trial and error (don't want this to spiral into why etc, but rather simply... is there such a list?)

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2016
    Are these GUIDs specific to a particular OS or the CSE?