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How to Present a new NIC to an Isolated VM (RDFE)


  • Disabled Network Interface Card from inside the OS
  • Disabled DHCP by manually assigning an IP address inside the OS
  • Manually set the VM to use a DNS server by specifying an IP address
  •  Red X over the Networking Icon


  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal
  2. Select the impacted Virtual Machine
  3. Select IP addresses
  4. Change the Private IP assignment from Dynamic to Static if it is not already
  5. Change the Private IP to another IP available in that Subnet. For example: to
  6. Select Save
  7. Your virtual machine will restart to initialize the new NIC to the system
  8. Attempt to RDP to your machine
  9. If successful, you can change the Private IP address back to the original if you would like.
  10. Once inside the machine check for Ghost NICs
  11. Open up Device Manager
  12. Select View -> Show hidden devices
  13. Select Network Adapters
  14. Here you should see some adapters called "Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter"
  15. You might see one with that name that is greyed out
  16. If you do such as in the picture above, select to uninstall it

NOTE: Only uninstall GREYED out adapters that have the name Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #_
If you uninstall any of the other hidden adapters it could cause additional issues