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Xbox 360 + Students + Paul Smith = Freeplay lounge and GamesCity event


Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend but it looked like a cracking event (pulled together mainly by Claire on our team!). A great event hosted by Nottingham council and Nottingham Trent University.

We hosted a bunch of academics and students at two venues - a Paul Smith cinema and bar called Bluu to show them what's hot about the games industry and the Microsoft developer platform, particularly looking at XNA.

For any students that attended, I hope you signed up to the Imagine Cup and are thinking of entering the Game Development or Project Hoshimi competitions!!

You can see more photos on Andy's Flickr set here. Kudos to the guys at Rare, Ginger and  the Xbox team for their support. Also to the Fragdolls who came to the event.

(Now what was my XBL gamertag again so I can play Sithers at Halo 3?!)
