Presenter Excellence...
Could be an interesting course for those who do webcasts/webinars...I've registered.
The Presenter Excellence Training is designed to enhance a presenter’s ability to effectively use audio and web conferencing to convey their message.
While many presenters are experienced speakers in front of a live audience, there are specific techniques that can be used to enhance the communication process when presenting via a web seminar.
This class is ideal for presenters that don’t have a lot of web conferencing experience as well as for presenters that want a refresher on the differences of presenting via the web vs. in person.
Ann Murphy with Encounter Collaborative
as she reviews all the helpful hints and tips of delivering a successful web seminar.
Register Today!
March 23, 2007
For those of you who joined our great call this AM, thanks. Great comment about using Webinars (particularlyAnonymous
March 26, 2007
Sitting in on a really good webcast now about Presenter Excellence . While we don't advise using this