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Partners needed...and business opportunity?

Ellen Jennings of BEI Networks writes in. She needs some help:

One of our clients has the following need:

We need to hire a consultant or support person on an hourly basis to help us develop and run workshops delivered as Microsoft "Live Meeting" webinars.

The background: We are engaged in a program funded by Microsoft called "Teachers for the 21st Century," which brings together 3-4 person teams of education faculty from right now 20 institutions. They will be mainly collaborating amongst themselves in larger groups; however, CIC will deliver content, in the form of speakers with presentations, of interest to all 100 program participants. The form of engagement will be mostly webinars through "Live Meeting" (Microsoft is proving licenses to us at no cost). That's the plan; unfortunately, nobody in our office has ever delivered or orchestrated a "Live Meeting" session.

The question: So we need help, both with designing "Live Meeting" sessions that are engaging and interesting but mainly with running a session and troubleshooting the application. Would you be able to point us in the right direction of a company or person that provides that kind of support?

Can you suggest where I can find partners (preferably in the D.C. area) who could help? Thanks very much

You can reach her at: jenningse "AT" BEINETWORKS.COM (removed @ to prevent email harvesting)


This request brings to mind a new business opportunity for some of our partners.  With $3/gallon gas, increased mobility capability, and almost universal broadband (and even Wi-Max), a partner company that focuses purely on the "Remote Experience" could fill a growing niche.

You'd leverage Windows Mobile 5.0, SharePoint 2007, Live Communication Server, Live Meeting, Office Live-perhaps, and consult w/companies on how to increase efficiency/productivity when employees aren't in the same office (still a paradigm shift for many).

Just a thought...
