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Leveraging Assets…

The Problem:

Adam from Solutions Developers writes in:

Who would I talk to for handouts on Communication & Collaboration specifically SharePoint, Office Communicator, Office communications, Exchange server 2007, and Round Table (if possible)?  We are looking for just 1 page sleeves/brochures that outline a brief description of each of one these MS items so we can hand them out to our audience members for our event on August 22nd

Does Microsoft have such handouts already printed or is there a link on the partner site that you can send me that has a printable version of each of these brochures?  When you have a moment can you please let me know or direct me in the direction of where to go.


Perhaps a quicker solution is the partner resource desk at 800 426 9400 x81797, prd@microsoft.com

They’re usually great for things like this.  Please let us know if you have any other questions.  Thanks!

The Solution:

The help desk replied to me already with exactly what we were looking for.  Thank you for following up with me and thanks Andy for directing me in the right direction.