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Azure PowerShell support for Enterprise Integration pack features now available

A couple of weeks ago we released the preview of the enterprise integration pack for Logic Apps - with a number of key enterprise capabilities such as XML transformation and EDI processing were added. Central to many of the new features is the integration account - a container for your artifacts that acts as a secure, manageable, scaleable store. Today, in the latest Azure PowerShell release you'll find full support for these new features with a number of new cmdlets enabling you to easily manage everything not just from the web portal but from PowerShell as well. These cmdlets enable you to automate tasks such as creating integration accounts as well as deploying artifacts to them and much more - a full set of CRUD operations are provided.

For example, to create a new integration account you can do the following

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName "<your subscription name>"

$ResourceGroupName = "myRGname"
$AccountName = "TestAccount"
$Location = "westus"

#Create a resource group
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -location $Location
$RG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName

#Create an integration account
$integrationAccount = New-AzureRmIntegrationAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $AccountName -Location $Location -Sku "Free"

Then, you can start adding things to the integration account, e.g.

 #Schema content file path
$schemaFilePath = "<your schema file path>" # e.g. "D:\Resources\Schemas\OrderFile.xsd

#Schema definition object created from a file
$schemaContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($schemaFilePath)

#Create integration Account Schema
$integrationAccountSchema1 = $RG | New-AzureRmIntegrationAccountSchema -Name $AccountName -SchemaName "integrationAccountSchema1" -SchemaDefinition $schemaContent

As well as schema there are also equivalent cmdlets for other artifact types:


On top of this, as well as the New- cmdlets you'll find Get- , Remove- and Set- to retrieve, delete and update artifacts as well.

Finally, the Get-AzureRmIntegrationAccountCallbackUrl can be used to retrieve a SAS URL to the integration account itself. This can be used to programatically associate a Logic App with a specific integration account in PowerShell (instead of via the portal).

