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IT Pro i Helsesektoren

En blogg med teknisk informasjon om produktoppdateringer og informasjon som kan være interessant for IT Pro som jobber med løsninger innenfor helsesektoren.

Nye Windows Azure Camps på IaaS!

Microsoft Norge forsetter suksessen etter vinterens Azure Camps, og har fått Morgan og Olav...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/16/2013

Making Windows 8 Even More Manageable with MDOP 2013

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) 2013 for Software Assurance is now available for...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/11/2013

Yammer and SharePoint: Enterprise social roadmap update

At last November's SharePoint Conference, Microsoft announced their roadmap for enterprise social...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/11/2013

Windows 8 Gets Its Foot in Healthcare's Door

Windows 8 Gets Its Foot in Healthcare's Door Scott Mace, for HealthLeaders Media , April 9, 2013...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/10/2013

Blogginnlegg fra en bruker som har gått over til Surface PRO som erstatter for bærbar PC, iPad og stasjonær PC

Her er erfaringene hans etter en tids bruk:...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/07/2013

Case Study: Big Data Solution Transforms Healthcare with Faster Access to Information


Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/05/2013

How Microsoft IT move existing and New applications to the cloud

Microsoft IT Inspires Employee Software Adoption Using Marketing Principles Business Case Study...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/05/2013

White Paper - Managing Windows 7 and Windows 8 Side-by-Side

Managing Windows 7 and Windows 8 Side-by-Side Technical White Paper This white paper discusses the...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/05/2013

Customer Ready Work Smart Productivity Guides - Using Windows 8 Client Hyper-V

Using Windows 8 Client Hyper-VWork Smart Guide Client Hyper-V enables you to run more than one...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 04/05/2013

New Windows-powered tablets threaten iPad's enterprise dominance, claims analyst


Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/19/2013

Lync: Introducing the SMART Room System™

Introducing the SMART Room System™ The SMART Room System™ for Microsoft® Lync®...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/19/2013

Rounds demo app for sykehus, kildekode eksempler kommer

Det ligger et blogginnlegg ute nå i forbindelse med Rounds appen som har vært vist mye...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/15/2013

Flash i Windows 8 og Windows RT

https://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2013/03/11/flash-in-windows-8.aspx I dag blir Internet Explorer...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/12/2013

Quest har laget et best practices white paper angående migrering til Office 365

Quest Software Microsoft Office 365 er sterkt voksende for Microsoft som forsøker å...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/07/2013

Den norske dataforeningen har et spennende program på eHelse 2013 23.-24. april


Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/07/2013

Evry holder frokostseminarer om Windows Server 2012 i mars 2013

Evry med MVP Olav Tvedt holder en rekke frokostseminarer om Windows Server 2012 fremover. Gratis...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/07/2013

Optimizing Lync 2010 Enterprise Voice Performance

Technical White Paper As part of the Microsoft Operations Framework, deploying and managing...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/04/2013

Delivering a Scalable Private Cloud Using Windows Server 2012

How Microsoft IT Designed a Private Cloud Infrastructure Using Windows Server 2012 and System Center...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/04/2013

Consumerization of IT within Microsoft

https://technet.microsoft.com/library/hh315814.aspx Microsoft har lagt ut et Quick Reference dokument...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 03/04/2013

Videoer fra Lync Conference 2013 er lagt ut.

Lync Conference ble holdt i San Diego i forrige uke. Det er nå lagt ut videoer fra en del av...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/25/2013

Ny webcast serie for IT Pro angående nye Office, starter 27. februar 2013

Garage Series for IT Pros "Welcome to the official blog for the Garage Series for IT Pros. As we...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/22/2013

CTRL+ALT+DEL på Windows 8 nettbrett uten tastatur

Med jevne mellom trenger man å trykke CTRL+ALT+DEL på en PC, for eksempel når man...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/18/2013

Grønt lys fra Datatilsynet for Odin Kapitals skyløsning med persondata

Da vi ønsket oss ny løsning for å drifte våre tjenester ute hos...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/13/2013

Windows Azure Camp 13.mars

To av Norges beste innenfor Windows Azure gir deg en introduksjon til Infrastructure as a Service....

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/07/2013

Webinarer på Nye Office, Windows 8 & Windows Server 2012

Vi starter nå opp med Webinar serier innenfor Windows 8, Nye Office og Windows Server 2012....

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/07/2013

Business Intelligence & Analytics Fagdag 2013 7. mars

Business Intelligence & Analytics Fagdag 2013 Sammen med en av verdens fremste eksperter...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/07/2013

TechEd Europe blir arrangert i Madrid 25.-28. juni 2013

Da er det endelig avklart. TechEd blir i år i Madrid 25.-28. juni 2013. Registrering...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/05/2013

TechEd USA i New Orleans 3.-6. juni registrering starter 12. februar

Registration opens next week on Tuesday, February 12th. Register by March 22nd at www.msteched.com...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 02/05/2013

Microsoft lanserer tilgjengelighet av Surface Windows RT i Norge fra 14. februar

Microsoft annonserte i dag via en pressemelding og den offisielle Microsoft-bloggen Official...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/22/2013

Azure Camp

Microsoft fortsetter suksessen fra i fjor, og har satt opp tre nye camps. To av Norges beste...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/18/2013

Microsoft's Kinect for Windows could help stroke victims

https://www.neowin.net/news/microsofts-kinect-for-windows-could-help-stroke-victims This week,...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/15/2013

Microsoft Researchers Developing Wrist-Worn Sensors That Track Finger Movements


Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/15/2013

Skype for Windows updated with Outlook integration

https://www.theverge.com/2013/1/10/3861926/skype-for-windows-outlook-integration Microsoft has...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/15/2013

App konkurranse rettet mot bruk av offentlige data

Difi og IKT Norge setter opp en konkurranse for å fremme utvikling av apper mot offentlige...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/15/2013

UAG får støtte for Windows 8 og Office 2013


Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/15/2013

Lync/Windows 8 på Smartboard

Kom over denne russiske videoen som demonstrerer Windows 8 og Lync på Smartboard...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/11/2013

Ny versjon av Microsoft Touch Magazine. Denne gangen mye med Windows 8 i helsesektoren.


Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/11/2013

Seminar: SharePoint fagdag for kommunal sektor 30. januar

Microsoft inviterer igjen SharePoint fagdag for kommunal sektor! Datoen er 30. januar, og...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/10/2013

Gratis web kurs: Operating and Managing a Secure Windows 8 Environment

Keep your users safe and protect your infrastructure by using advanced Windows 8 technologies like...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/10/2013

Gratis web kurs: Planning and Preparing for Windows 8

Windows 8 is designed to deliver the experiences people will love and the enterprise-grade...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/10/2013

Microsoft TechEd North America 2013 will be held June 3-6 in New Orleans


Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 01/08/2013

Free E-book: Introducing Windows 8: An Overview for IT Professionals (Final Edition)

Based on final, released-to-manufacturing (RTM) software, this book introduces new features and...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 12/13/2012

Using communication and collaboration tools to improve patient care and clinical workflow

Dersom du er opptatt av samhandling i helse, kan dette blogginnlegget hvor dr. Bill Crounse...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 12/02/2012

InmetaCrayon i samarbeid med Microsoft holder gratis Azure frokostseminar 11.desember.

Dato: Tirsdag 11.des, kl 0830 Azureseminar med bl.a. datasikkerhet/prosesser mot datatilsynet, Det...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 11/24/2012

Office 365 PREVIEW Service Descriptions

Det har nå kommet beskrivelse av Office 365 PREVIEW (Office 2013) tjenestene:...

Author: Business Productivity Norway [home] Date: 11/24/2012

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