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MPN Release Update - kumppaniohjelman muutokset siirtyvät!

We’ve made a change to the release timeline of planned program updates

The Microsoft Partner Network is the framework for collaboration between Microsoft and our partners. In consultation with you, our programs are designed to help differentiate your business, pursue opportunities and drive profitability.

Following compelling partner feedback and a thorough review of our planned roadmap, we’ve decided to prioritize the timing of certain program updates communicated at the Worldwide Partner Conference in July 2013.

Coming in February 2014

We are committed to enabling partners in the cloud. As previously communicated, we will offer Cloud Internal Use Rights (IUR) benefits to Microsoft Action Pack Subscriptions (MAPS) and Competency Partners.  In addition, we are excited to launch the new, cloud-focused MAPS; allowing us to retire Cloud Essentials. As an extension of our cloud commitment, we will launch the new Intelligent Systems competency building on momentum related to the “internet of things”.

Coming in Q3 Calendar Year 2014

Partners participating in Cloud Accelerate, Cloud Deployment and Windows Azure Circle, as well as those partners with previously announced competency changes will have more time to prepare. In the near future, we will share an updated program roadmap and launch dates.

You can read more information on these and other planned updates on the Microsoft Partner Network Portal.


Microsoft partners are our greatest differentiators in the market, and we will continue to make program improvements that make it easier for you to do business with us. I am inspired by the bold steps you take every day to meet the needs of your customers in this rapidly evolving market. Thank you for your continued partnership.


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