Workflow Foundation Basics Slides
Last month I did a basic session on Windows Workflow Foundation at the Global Knowledge .NET Takeoff event!
Here are the slides, for everyone, who is interested! Knowledge -
May 02, 2007
The link "Global Knowledege -" does not work. I receive the following error message: We are currently unable to serve your request We apologize, but an error occurred and your request could not be completed. This error has been logged. If you have additional information that you believe may have caused this error please report the problem here. BTW: There is a typing error: "Knowledege" --> "Knowledge" Kind Regards, hfrmobileAnonymous
May 03, 2007
There is a problem with blog software.. So I moved the slides to an external storage. Here they are! greetz, knomAnonymous
May 03, 2007
There was an error with the attachment (caused by the blog server). Now I moved the slides to an external storage! Should work now downloading them! greetz, knom.