BigDays Demos and Links
Yesterday was the final spurt of our Big>Days 2007 Roadshow!
One day of sessions in Vienna's "Austria Convention Center"!
At the same time as our conference, there were official exams for financial inspectors - which resulted in a funny incident:
As I left the session-room, after having tested my laptop a girl entered and asked me: "Have you already started ?!" - I answered.. "No we'll start in about 1 hour!" - "Aah-said the girl - can I enter?! I guess you haven't passed out the exam sheets?!" .. Exam sheets ?! I thought.. Then I realized that she was looking for the inspector's exams :-)
So anyway.. If you are interested in the presentation-slides and demos, here they are (in German):
User Experience, Web 2.0 und Windows Vista - Slides - Demos
Windows Presentation Foundation - Slides - Demos
XBOX Game Development with XNA - Slides - Demos
- Anonymous
April 17, 2007
Max und ich haben nun die Demos und Slides unserer Sessions auf den BigDays 2007 auf unseren Blogs veröffentlicht.