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Links from my Demo Day session: HTML5 and the future of the web

In this post I would like to share the main resources and links of my Demo Day session on June 1st. Demo day is a customer event at Microsoft Belgium where no slides are allowed. Several of the teams show off technology ranging from Office use to Windows Azure, Lync, SharePoint, Office 365, Windows Phone and much more. My objective for demo day was talk about HTML5 and what it really means, show off Internet Explorer 9 and a glimpse of IE10.

As promised to those present, all resources are here for you.

1. HTML5 and Internet Explorer 9

2. Demo time

And just off the press: Disney’s Tron Legacy site offers a beautiful comic reading experience coming to life.
https://disneydigitalbooks.go.com/tron/. Be sure to learn more about how the site was built in this post “Behind the Scenes of Disney TRON: Legacy Digital Book Site”.

Disney Tron

3. Tooling and resources

One of the questions was around tooling. Here’s a quick update on tooling available today.

Note: If you want to read more about Demo Day experiences, Karine has a nice blog post: Demo Day @ Microsoft Belgium.

Let’s build the future of the web together!