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How to Install the Windows SDK ISO Image

The newly released Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: BETA is available on the Microsoft Download Center in ISO format. RTM versions of Windows SDKs are typically provided in two install formats -- a Web Setup or an ISO install. Pre-release SDKs, such as the Windows SDK for Windows 7 Beta are usually only provided in ISO format. The ISO image file can be used to burn your own DVD, or virtually mounted and accessed as a device. Web setup allows you to install a smaller package on your computer, because you can deselect the components you don't want.

What’s an ISO image file?

Many products are posted as ISO image files. An ISO file is an exact representation of a CD or DVD, including the content and the logical format. ISO files end with an .ISO extension. The most common use of an image file is to write it to a blank CD-R or DVD-R. ISO image files can also be opened and their contents copied to a local folder, much like ZIP files. ISO files may also be virtually mounted and accessed as a device. These two methods of using ISO images are described below.

Copying the contents of ISO files to a drive

The contents of image files can be used as virtual discs using utilities such as ISObuster, Daemon Tools or Virtual CloneDrive for Windows Vista. Using this method you can extract the files from an image file to a temporary folder on your hard drive, then run setup.

Writing ISO files to CD-R or DVD-R

Most CD-R/DVD-R writing software includes a feature to create a disc from an image file. Note: you must use the special "copy image to CD" or "burn image" functionality. See your software’s Help for detailed information. Common utilities for writing ISO file to recordable media such as DVD-R include Nero and Roxio.   MagicISO is an option if your computer is running Windows Vista 64-bit version.

After a CD/DVD-R has been written, you should verify that the file was successfully written. Many freeware programs are available for calculating the SDK SHA-1 hash value.  Use an Internet search engine to search for “sha1 hash” to find a freeware program. To verify that your download of the ISO file for the Windows SDK for Windows 7 Beta is correct, check that the CRC and file size match the following: CRC: 0x6B263FF1 Size: 1336078 KB.
