TFS 2010 - Bulk Updating Build Definitions (Retention Policies)
In this post, I just want to help those of you out there that have upgraded from 2008 and need to bulk update all of your definitions. In this particular example, I will be updating the retention policies to remove the deletion of the label with the deletion of the build. This code is not complicated but does pull in a lot of different areas. So, I wanted to provide an example for everyone...
Here's the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server;
namespace UpdateAllDefinitions
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri serverUrl = new Uri("https://jpricket-test3:8080/tfs/defaultcollection");
TfsTeamProjectCollection collection = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(serverUrl);
IBuildServer buildServer = collection.GetService<IBuildServer>();
ICommonStructureService css = collection.GetService<ICommonStructureService>();
// Get a query spec for each team project
List<IBuildDefinitionSpec> specs = new List<IBuildDefinitionSpec>();
foreach (ProjectInfo pi in css.ListProjects())
// Query for all the definitions
IBuildDefinitionQueryResult[] results = buildServer.QueryBuildDefinitions(specs.ToArray());
// Update all the definition objects
List<IBuildDefinition> definitionsToSave = new List<IBuildDefinition>();
foreach (IBuildDefinitionQueryResult result in results)
if (result.Failures != null && result.Failures.Length > 0)
// print out the errors
foreach (IFailure f in result.Failures)
Console.WriteLine(f.Code + ": " + f.Message);
// There still might be some definitions to modify in this result
foreach (IBuildDefinition definition in result.Definitions)
// Check for null, but we have already printed the error for this bad result above
if (definition != null)
// Save all the definitions back to the server
private static void ChangeRetentionPolicies(IBuildDefinition definition)
// Update the retention policies to not delete labels
foreach (IRetentionPolicy rp in definition.RetentionPolicyList)
rp.DeleteOptions = rp.DeleteOptions & ~DeleteOptions.Label;
Hope this saves you some time!
December 27, 2012
Hello Jason, Does TFS 2012 has web service "BuildService" or something that allow to change Retention Policies for projects? Thank you, innaAnonymous
January 03, 2013
I am not sure what you want to do. You can change retention policies in the Build Definition Editor or through code like the example above. This code should work for TFS 2012 as well. Thanks, JasonAnonymous
June 04, 2013
We had a request from our client to change the retention of all of their builds from the 2 latest to the latest only. Is there a way to do this for all of the builds in bulk?Anonymous
July 17, 2013
The only way to do this in bulk is to write a program that uses the TFS object model to make the changes. There should be plenty of examples of using the Build Object Model. You simply need to get all the definitions and update the retention policies of the definitions. Thanks, Jason