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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration for Oracle DBAs

I just found out today that one of our own SQL MCMs (2005/2008) & MCA, Christian Bolton, is a co-author for the recently published book Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration for Oracle DBAs. I just wanted to congratulate Christian on yet another published work!

As an extra bonus - I was also informed that this book contains a list of the authors’ favorite MVP and Microsoft blogs. I was glad to see the SQL MCM community represented with Brent Ozar, Cindy Gross and Jens K. Suessmeyer. The list also included those who have helped the SQL MCM program for years (even back to the “SQL Ranger” days); Paul Randal and Kimberly Tripp – and also Kalen Delaney who helped with the recent SQL MCM re-launch program design work. There are four other names on the blog list that I hope join the community in the future too – all great minds – and I won’t name them here so you’ll have to buy the book in order to find out who they are.