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Microsoft scores highest in customer-respect study

While not really developer focused I can't help but attribute some of our high scores to the overall shift towards community engagement at Microsoft. The article does specifically mention transparency though and I'm not sure I can think of another group leading in transparency like those of us here in Devdiv land.  Here is the article link. And here are some quotes...

"We assess each of the company's Web sites in a uniform way -- looking at over 90 attributes that we've determined correlate to a successful experience of an online user," said Roger Fairchild, president of The Customer Respect Group. "We've put them in one of six categories, and we provide an overall score that we describe as the Customer Respect Index."

“Those six categories are simplicity, responsiveness, transparency, principles , attitude and privacy, he said. “

“On a scale of 0 to 10, the Fortune 100 group averaged a 6.2. Microsoft scored highest, with an 8.7”
