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IOD: New Blogger Alert/Feed on MSDN

I'm going to soon be unsubscribing from a lot of blogs. The number of Microsoft blogs has gotten insane and trying to keep up with the main feed is next to impossible. I'm going to start being selective, but I'd still like to know when a new blogger comes online and maybe read their first few posts to decide if I want to subscribe to them permanently.

So my idea would be that blogs.msdn.com (or any other aggregation site) have two "New Blogger Feeds".  One that is just an announcement when a new blogger comes online. The other would actually aggregate new blogger posts for 1 month.  What do you think? Would this help solve the discovery issue?


  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2004
    That's a good idea. Reading blogs can be quite time consuming if you subscribe to many blogs. It would be good if RSS reader could filter blog items based on your own keywords or something.
  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2004
    I think this is a great idea. I tried subscribing to all the blogs hosted on blogs.msdn.com and gave up quickly. I knew I'm missing some blogs that interest me, so all I have been doing is actually visting blogs.msdn.com once in a while to see if I find anything interesting.
  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2004
    What if the new blogger only makes one post during their first month? maybe change it so that bloggers are labeled as new, if their post counts are less than 5 or 10...
  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2004
    James: That's an interesting twist on the idea. It really creates the "trial period" concept to bloggers. It would then be cool if the feed counted down and let you know that this was the last of the posts from this blogger on this feed and you should subscribe to their feed if you want to keep reading them.
  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2004
    I think this is good idea, that helps to new bloggers get more visitors.
  • Anonymous
    December 28, 2004
    Excellent idea! One month is enough and should equate to 4 posts (IMO less than 4 posts a month does not a weblog/blogger make).

    Also, rather than the 25 last posts limit that the main feed has, it should be all posts in the last 24 hours; this would help subscribers on the "other" timezone keep up...
  • Anonymous
    December 29, 2004
    Thanks for the feedback guys. I can't promise anything. I'm just brainstorming over here, but I've forwarded the request to Betsy (http://blogs.msdn.com/betsya) who owns the direction of blogs.msdn.com.