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IOD: Desktop Search for the Blog Content I keep

I installed the MSN Desktop Search suite yesterday. The outlook integration is nice, I like the easy search on the task-bar, but I disabled the web toolbar since I mostly use the google version for web search still. The content that seemed missing was the local store of blog content I have on my machine from RSSBandit.  The RSSBandit search is pretty slow and it seems the MSN Desktop search would be more efficient at finding this information.  I wanted this because it seems pretty common for me to read a blog post and then want to reference it several days later. The blog post, however, is buried in the mountain of around the 400 I get per day and all I have to go on are the keywords I remembered. I suppose if I used newsgator the outlook search would cover this scenario, but then I loose out on some of the nicer RSSBandit features.


  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2004

    well, email search doesn't work over here at all... i'm not even thinking about rss... :-)

    well its a beta, guess i'm going to uninstall this tomorrow...

    thomas woelfer
  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2004
    You can almost get there:

    Add a search path to
    C:Documents and Settings{USER-NAME-GOES-HEREApplication DataRssBanditCache

    Then MSN Desktop search can at least find the right feed. You'll have to look at the xml to get the PermaLink, but it is better than nothing...
  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2004
    RSS Bandit should just use the Lucene.NET engine that Lookout uses to index Outlook information. It is definately one of the fastest indexing engines out there and I don't think RSS Bandit uses anything like that. Most likely it does straight searches on the XML file caches it stores which can be many MB in size depending on how many items a certain feed contains. Text searching straight XML text will be way slower than text searching indexed content, there's really no way around it.

    I could be wrong and RSS Bandit does index it's content but I see no indication of it doing that. I rarely search using it simply because I have many cache files in the 2-3mb+ range and searching through them would take a good little bit. I use a series of flags, etc to tag things so that I can manually search for them later. It's definately a hit and miss game, but I can NEVER remember keywords just the feed I happened to be reading at the time.
  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2004
    Thomas/Jeff: Yeah, I just expanded my search directories and realized this. Now to figure out how to make it more readable.

    Jeremy: I'll have to ask dare if RSS Bandit does any sort of indexing.
  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2004
    Omea Reader (free) seems to index pretty well...
  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2004
    The comment has been removed