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Embarrassed it has come to this... Help me help you with VBCommenter

I apparently don't have any machines fit to access the source control for my gotdotnet workspaces.  Not even pure virtual machines I've tried work.  This means I can't grab the latest code, make some change for a 1.2 release, and fix some of the bugs you all have been e-mailing me about and posting to the workspace itself.  If the workspaces application likes you more than it likes me I would LOVE it if you could send me a .Zip with the latest vbcommenter sources from the workspace.  (Send to jledgard (at)Microsoft.com) UPDATE: Got it.   Time to make some fixes, test a release, and probably ask someone to upload the new code for me.

On a related note... does the workspaces application (as is) currently improve your satisfaction with Microsoft or does it only frustrate you?


  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2004
    Bad news for you Josh.
    The only way for batch download of files is to use webservices provided by GotDotNet (they are using by VS.NET Plugins, Internet Explorer and standalone ( http://workspaces.gotdotnet.com/wksalone )WinForms client.

    But if you will check this url - you will see a failure:
    The same failure you will get if you will use this webservice programmicaly (from filespacewrapper.dll assembly) like a:
    WksWebService ws = new WksWebService();
    ws.Url = "http://services.gotdotnet.com/WSWebservice/WSWebservice.asmx";
    Guid vbCommenter = new Guid("112b5449-f702-46e2-87fa-86bdf39a17dd");
    bool isPublic = ws.IsWorkspacePublic(vbCommenter);

    The only way to download your files is to manualy download them one-by-one from HTML-only client at:

    Looks like you need to bribe a GotDotNet team to find source of webservice failure.
    Good Luck !
  • Anonymous
    November 14, 2004
    I recently moved a project to GotDotNet and my experience has been terrible. I'm not particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with Microsoft, as this is a free service and there are other options, but I'm disappointed that there isn't a solid workspace for the .NET community yet.
  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2004
    Thanks for the comments guys.
  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2004
    Simply look at the number of .net projects hosted on SourceForge. It is clear the community has spoken -- and most of us have given up on GotDotNet as a workspace.
  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2004
    Hi all,

    I've been told by our team that the Web services URL quoted above isn't actually used any more (not since the August upgrade) which is why it doesn't work. So before everyone gets the fur flying, wrong tree, wrong squirrel :).

    The WinForms Client you should be using with Workspaces isn't wksalone app, but here: http://gotdotnet.com/workspaces/winforms/1.0/Setup.msi

    The updated FAQ (still draft, but I'm plugging away on it) for Workspaces is emerging here: http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/betsy/workspacesfaq.aspx

    and people are finding it helpful.

    I am trying to figure out though why some people had problems with access and some didn't. We did a test pass when we upgraded Workspaces in August that included Windows SP2, so I'm thinking it must be some other interaction/issue. If you can help debug this, put all your OS/browser/repro steps in an email and send to gdnfeed@microsoft.com. It's not everyone having the problem, which is why it's so hard to figure out what could be different.

  • Anonymous
    November 16, 2004
    Addendum: Definitely do not use wksalone, as pointed out above it accesses the wrong Web service location (since it's a pretty ancient tool and not part of normal source control)

    Also, the "DL2 bug":

    When you get this:

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    at WSClientAdapter.WSAdapter.get_IsMember()

    at Microsoft.Msdn.SourceControl.WinForms.WksContainer.Initialize()

    at Microsoft.Msdn.SourceControl.WinForms.Wrapper.LoadSourceControlForm()

    You need to go to

    C:Documents and Settings[Your user name here ]Local SettingsApplication Dataassemblydl2

    and delete everything you find under DL2 directory. You need to do this for the user profile of everyone who uses your machine, if they all want to access workspaces.

    Then go to your Workspace, to Source Control page, and choose the Winforms client under Interface Selection. Hit submit and it will re-install what you need cleanly.

    We are checking out why this is, but in the meantime, you have a workaround to combat the issue.
