Baking Scooby Snacks
Some people have noticed that over time my blogging style has changed. Stephane says “Take a break, you are scobleizing yourself. I don't want the guy who once posted great inspiring posts to become another low budget spitter. ;-)” My own wife chimed in (before deleting her own comment) to say “Well said. I've been telling Josh the same thing - but maybe he will listen to a reader. I've actually stopped reading his blog b/c I find it rather ... umm... boring and uninspired.” … ummm… ouch. Point taken.
I admit that I’ve been doing more high volume posts. This is an adjustment to the tools I’ve switched to. Six months ago I never would have posted a link with a short quote and a couple of sentences of my own because it would have taken me to long. Along came w::Bloggar with RSSBandit integration and now I was click away from sharing something I found interesting. So now I’m at another crossroads. I’ve become pretty proficient at this technique, but obviously there are some people who don’t see the value. I guess you get back what you put into something. Stephane responds again saying what I’ve been telling people they should be blogging about. “Share the strengths, perspectives, and expertise unique to you (or your team) that readers won’t find anywhere else. “
So I’m going to see what I can do to find that “inspiring” niche again in my new space of the PM world. I do, however, still have a lot of opinions I’d like to share across a broad set of subjects. I’m thinking that instead of making a lot of separate posts I’ll create a “Scooby Snacks” category for this and I’ll share multiple links in one post like a number of other people do. It won’t be unique, but hopefully it will be easier to filter for readers that want to ignore those posts and focus on what I hope to be more remarkable entries.
PS: To set proper expectations I still plan on “spitting” the “community wins” as their own posts because I’m also sending these around internally to highlight each one and I don’t want people to have to dig through the rest of a posts to find the win I’m referring to.
- Anonymous
June 15, 2004
How do I put this succintly ... Pshoooey.
Blogging is about communication, and communication is about where you're at. I guess I'm all 'old' now that I've been blogging for more than a year. After a year of it you realise that we all go through phases.
Initially I only posted long dissertations. Then I did some features mixed in with other stuff. Lately, a lot more into my personal life.
Ultimately readers (like me) read writers (like you) for the individual. Sure, part of that is work, but part of that is the silly things that interest you as well.
How do you evolve readers from casual into passionate? Give us a reason to stay. Something that differentiates you (namely: more of you).
I told your wife all this when she started blogging too, and I know it helped her. No idea why she's all uppity on you. Want me to have a wee chat with the Moon Gals? ;-) - Anonymous
June 15, 2004
Just went back to the post in question, and still stand by my comment. Yes, post original content (the point of blogging), but nobody can produce "inspiring" 24/7/365. - Anonymous
June 15, 2004
I'm uppity b/c I care. :) - Anonymous
June 15, 2004
Haha, fair enough. I swear I talk to much. My wife's the most patient woman in the world :-) - Anonymous
July 25, 2004
very bad indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous
May 31, 2009
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