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“From the Trenches” column – call for content!

Partners -

Do you enjoy writing, have a passion for Enterprise Project Management, and want access to a ready-made EPM audience to read your content?   If so, the Project Server IT-Pro UA team is looking for contributed white papers from the field to publish in our “From the Trenches” column on the Project Server TechCenter on Microsoft TechNet. 

The types of content that this column looks to provide is best practices when using EPM (IT-Pro or PMO-related preferably).  For example, some past white papers describe:

  • Suggested ways to create EPM Dashboards
  • Described phases of an EPM deployment plan
  • The importance of executive involvement for having a successful EPM deployment
  • The challenges of creating a resource management system
  • The challenges of deploying EPM into an organization using a matrix project management environment

This list provides descriptions of white papers that are currently available in the “From the Trenches” column.  The last white paper published in the column received about 1,000 downloads in the first 25 days it was available.

All submitted white papers will go through an approval process by our team.  We ask that the paper should not be created to promote a product or solution that your company creates or owns. However, we are happy to provide links back to your blog or professional Web site in return for your contributions, as well as a short biography of the writer.

The process for you to publish a white paper for the “From the Trenches” column includes the following:

1. Content is submitted to our group for approval (submit to efrene@microsoft.com).  The white paper should be between 5-10 pages (including graphics), submitted in Microsoft Word format.  The author biography should be less than half a page (including photo).

2. The white paper is reviewed by our group.  The review process should take roughly two weeks. 

3. The author will receive an email from us stating that either the whitepaper has been approved for publish, or rejected for various reasons.  If the white paper was rejected, we may include information about suggested changes in order for you to submit it again.

4. After the white paper is approved, our legal department will work with the author to sign the appropriate paperwork allowing us to publish the white paper on TechNet.

5. Once the document is in its finished state, and all legal paperwork is completed, the white paper can be published to the column. 

The overall process, between acceptance of your paper to publication, takes roughly 4-6 weeks.

We will promote the white paper as a featured item on the TechNet home page, the Project Server TechCenter page, and through the EPM Content Publishing News blog

For more information, please contact Efren Edwards (efrene@microsoft.com).