Sometimes I F5 when I meant to just compile.
Usually such a mistake is followed by a "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" and quiet resignation to wait for my app to build and get to the point under the debugger where I can stop it.
So here's a super-handy tip for larger projects I learned last week: You can cancel a build using CTRL+Break.
October 09, 2006
Sometimes I Alt+F4 instead of Alt+F5. Thats generally followed by cries of anguish, invocations of gods and frothing at the could also be the coffee.Anonymous
October 11, 2006
Whoa, thanks I didn't know about this and actually bit myself quite a few times with F5 as well :)Anonymous
October 13, 2006
I assigned the "Build.BuildSelection" command in VS2005 to the F12 key. Now, I use that button constantly to check the build state of the current project in the solution.Anonymous
October 26, 2006
Only problem with Ctrl-break is on our project we have cpu intensive build tasks, and ctrl-break doesn't respond during those build tasks. Ahh well :)Anonymous
October 31, 2006
Sometimes I just compile when I meant to F5...