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It’s 7 Time! (Well, OK… It’s 7 BETA time!)


So for those of you who live under a rock and missed all the hubbub, we announced the launch of the Windows 7 beta last Friday (Jan 9th) at the CES Show in Las Vegas! Very cool demos were given during the keynote, and you even got to see an “Actual 12 year old girl” kick Robbie Bach’s butt at her self-made game! Here’s the video. it was very cute. smart kid! Wink


Here’s the full Keynote! Steve showed off some very cool stuff!


on to the meat! The download of the beta can be obtained here. there were a few hiccups in the distribution of this download, namely the bajillion or so Terabytes of data Microsoft servers delivered during the first weekend. (I don’t know if that figure is 100% accurate, but I was reading some chatter on the web about it) Hot. It stands to reason though, as my inbox blew up from folks asking where to get it!

on a side note – we’ve been running an upgrade fest over here in MS OEM, to bring all our folks to Win7. I’ve personally upgraded or clean installed about 50 machines over the last 4-5 days… all working beautifully.

I’ve also been running 7 since before the beta and I’ve found it to be the most stable beta I’ve ever used! my primary machines both use it now. (desktop and tablet)

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!