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Joe Calev's WebLog

Posts and information about Microsoft Office Communications Server and sometimes off topic posts.

Using peml:rule

Unlike some other posts, this one applies to the current version of Speech Server and the Beta. One...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/19/2006

Determining whether a QuestionAnswerActivity was barged in

From now on, I will follow a different approach with my Speech Server related posts. Rather than...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/18/2006

Two seconds in a life

I am going to digress from the MSS Beta for a day so I can add a long awaited post. One of the many...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/17/2006

Recognizing answering machines

Recently, I was posed with the question of how to do answering machine detection using Microsoft...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/16/2006

Beta is out!

OK, so most of you probably know this already but the Microsoft Speech Server Beta was released on...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/12/2006

Normalizing prompts, part II

Due to a larger than normal amount of input about normalizing prompts, I have decided to talk about...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/12/2006

Normalizing prompts

Some time ago one of the program managers and I sat down with a customer exasperated that we do not...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/05/2006

Two weeks of silence

I must apologize to everyone for the long period of silence. One of the difficulties with shipping a...

Author: jscalev Date: 05/05/2006

Introducing the Synthesizer

In general in telephony apps, you will interact in two ways with the caller. 1) You will speak to...

Author: jscalev Date: 04/11/2006

Making outbound calls

Today we are going to discuss making outbound calls using Microsoft Speech Server 2007. There are...

Author: jscalev Date: 04/10/2006

Introducing the managed debugger

One of the most exciting features in Speech Server 2007 is the SDK. The SDK is dramatically improved...

Author: jscalev Date: 04/07/2006

Introducing the Core API

The Core API is what made me so excited about the launch of Speech Server several months ago....

Author: jscalev Date: 04/06/2006


Finally, after a long period of silence I have something to talk about. Microsoft Speech Server 2007...

Author: jscalev Date: 04/05/2006

Would you like to work in the Microsoft speech team?

Do you want to help make the world Speech-enabled? Microsoft Speech Server is doing just that by...

Author: jscalev Date: 01/26/2006

Travelling with small children - part VI - the flight part II

Another question that one may have about travelling with small children on a plane is whether to use...

Author: jscalev Date: 09/13/2005

Travelling with small children - Part V - the flight

As you may imagine, travelling with one or more small children on an international flight takes some...

Author: jscalev Date: 09/12/2005

Travelling with small children - part IV strollers

So now you've figured out where you want to go. It's time to look at a stroller for your little...

Author: jscalev Date: 09/11/2005

Off to the jungle!

Starting tomorrow I will be OOF for two weeks visiting the remote jungles of Peru. You can read my...

Author: jscalev Date: 09/07/2005

Home Automation and HAL

As some of you may know (but I did not until recently), there is a software package out there that...

Author: jscalev Date: 07/26/2005

Home Automation - the first start

In my previous post I outlined a 'morning of the future'. Obviously that is the end goal and will...

Author: jscalev Date: 07/25/2005

Home Automation with speech - a morning of the future

In one of my previous posts I mentioned that I will be implementing Speech Server at home in order...

Author: jscalev Date: 07/24/2005

A sobering thought

It's funny how having kids can change your perspective on things. While perusing cnn.com I came...

Author: jscalev Date: 07/23/2005

Home automation with speech - my vision

In my last post I mentioned that I will be using Speech Server in my own home to help automate it....

Author: jscalev Date: 07/22/2005

About Microsoft Speech Server

For a long time now my blog has been quiet. The primary reason for this is the following 1) I joined...

Author: jscalev Date: 07/21/2005

Calculating balloon coverage

Recently one of our coworkers travelled back to India for a month to get married. Obviously a vacant...

Author: jscalev Date: 03/09/2005

Using peml with prompts

When I first joined the Speech Server group I was a bit daunted by all of the different markup...

Author: jscalev Date: 03/03/2005

Pet peeves about directory and file referencing

Since starting at Microsoft I have had to review a lot of code - both in code reviews and when...

Author: jscalev Date: 02/03/2005

More notes on DTMF

Shortly after my DTMF post, I was asked about the A-D keys. As I mentioned, the DTMF standard...

Author: jscalev Date: 02/02/2005

A slightly different way to solve systems of equations

I'm sure all of us remember solving systems of equations in high school. Back then I had the dreams...

Author: jscalev Date: 01/31/2005

A trip to the rainforest

This post will be a bit of a departure from the regular technical track. About a month ago for my...

Author: jscalev Date: 01/27/2005

Recording prompts so they sound natural Part II

Yesterday I discussed how to create extractions from transcriptions in order to reduce the amount of...

Author: jscalev Date: 01/26/2005

Recording prompts so they sound natural

One of the features of the Microsoft Speech SDK is the Recording Editing and Design Studio. This...

Author: jscalev Date: 01/25/2005

What exactly are those sounds for the keys on a phone?

OK, so it's been awhile since I last posted. Since I last posted we have welcomed my son Nathan into...

Author: jscalev Date: 01/24/2005


This is my first run at blogging in general so please be patient as I get on track. I work on the...

Author: jscalev Date: 09/10/2004
