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Forefront Security 3 day Technical Bootcamp

Can you tell I'm going through my training emails at the moment? :-)  Next up is the 3 day technical bootcamp for Forefront Security!  Here's the scoop

With Microsoft’s best-in-class Forefront Security products, you’re in control of the new customer opportunities awaiting you. During this course, you’ll learn how the Forefront line of products offers customers peace of mind at the edge, on their servers, and on every desktop. Training will provide depth technical information on:

  • How Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG) 2007 (formerly Whale) provides secure, remote access for your clients and service opportunities for partners.
  • How Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006, provides network edge protection for customers and deployment versatility.
  • How Forefront Security for Exchange (formerly Antigen) provides superior protection for Exchange 2007—something the competition can’t claim!
  • How Forefront Security for SharePoint (formerly Antigen) is configured to protect SharePoint 2007.
  • How Forefront Client Security provides integrated anti-virus, anti-spyware and security state assessment to provide unified desktop protection.

This 3-day Partner Technical Boot Camp is intended for the technical sales and implementation partners who are deploying Forefront security products. The Boot Camp will be conducted in a hands-on-lab-type environment in order to provide for maximum interactivity and includes technical content of Level 300 or higher.

Partners should have attended the one-day Forefront Partner training or have taken equivalent online training via Forefront on-demand courses prior to attending this 3-day technical training.

This workshop includes both instructor and hands-on lab content.

There are two dates upcoming in November and December so be sure to book early as these are bound to be popular given the amount of interest in Forefront I'm hearing from partners at the moment.  Here are the links to signup:

44CO024 - Forefront Security Partner 3-Day Technical Boot Camp

05 Nov 2007 in Wokingham

44CO024 - Forefront Security Partner 3-Day Technical Boot Camp

17 Dec 2007 London
