Daylight Saving Time Support Update
Support Assistance:
Microsoft has implemented worldwide procedures to provide customers and partners no-charge support for DST assistance. Check them out below:
1. For technical support at no-cost contact the local Microsoft Customer Support: 1-800-936-3100 (U.S.) or visit the support site for an international listing of phone numbers, or contact a TAM for opening a case. In the US, TAMs can refer to the US DST Workstream for TAMs.
2. U.S. Premier Emergency Response SME team. A DST Subject Expert has been assigned to each region to augment TAMs and account teams. Premier customers can have a case opened for free by the TAM using the TAM workstream (non-US subs should contact your local Premier or EPG Lead for information on local processes in place for assistance).
1. For technical support at no-cost contact the local Microsoft Customer Support: 1-800-642-7676 (U.S.) or visit the support site for an international listing of phone numbers.
2. For non-Premier customers to purchase DST Hotfixes in Extended Support Phase, contact the local Microsoft Customer Service Center: 1-800-426-9400 (U.S.) or visit the support site for an international listing of phone numbers.
3. In the U.S., for non-Premier customer technical questions or open cases, account teams can send an email to the DST 2007 Assist (Non-Premier) alias. Non-US subs should contact your local Premier or EPG Lead for information on local processes in place for assistance.
ALL Customers and Partners
1. Live Technical Chat sessions are been now available daily 6am-6pm PST to support customer deployment.
2. Webcasts via LiveMeeting sessions to provide customers with an overview of DST, Microsoft resources, impacted products, updates and tools.
Assistance for Products in Extended Support and Custom Support
Extended Hotfix Support (EHS)
• For Windows 2000, which is in Extended Support, customers can follow the detailed instructions documented in Knowledge Base article 914387 and similar articles for countries outside of the U.S. and Canada.
• Customers with products in Extended Hotfix Support (EHS) that prefer to patch their systems via the hotfixes can purchase the set of all available DST 2007 hotfixes for a single fee of $4,000 for all affected Microsoft products in Extended Support. Currently, the products that are included in this package are Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000. Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002 CDO updates will be posted by the end of this week. If any additional products that are in Extended Support are impacted, customers will be notified via Connect (our distribution mechanism) as the new downloads become available. See the MSL Summary document for more details.
• All customers escalations related to the $4k fee will continue to be resolved daily via Response Mgmt (RM) using a central DST Fund.
Custom Support Agreement (CSA)
Products that are outside of support (Exchange 5.5. and NT 4.0) require a Customer Support Agreement (CSA) to obtain the updates.