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Step-by-Step installation of Exchange Connector 3.0 RC for System Center 2012 Service Manager

Step-by-Step installation of Exchange Connector 3.0 RC for System Center 2012 Service Manager


The mountaineer of the A-Team, Bhuwan Upadhyay, takes the baton and discusses a common scenario observed with System Center 2012 Service Manager. The System Center 2012 Service Manager – Exchange Connector 3.0 connects System Center 2012 Service Manager to Exchange for processing incoming emails related to incidents, change requests, service requests, and other types of work items and sending notifications from the console.

Exchange Connector setup and configuration is divided in five parts:

1. Enable Exchange Connector in SCSM by copying some files and importing MP’s

  • Install Exchange Web Services API on Exchange Server. You can download these API's from here:
  • Once you have installed Exchange Web Services API on Exchange Server, copy “Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll” from C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchangeWeb Services1.2 to SCSM Server at C:Program FilesMicrosoft System Center 2012Service Manager.
  • Copy “Microsoft.SystemCenter.ExchangeConnector.dll” from the installation folder of Exchange Connector 3.0 RC to C:Program FilesMicrosoft System Center 2012Service Manager.
  • Import the following MP's from the installation folder of Exchange Connector 3.0 RC:
    • Service Manager Exchange Connector ver
    • Sendmail ver


2. Impersonate SCSM Workflow account in Exchange Management Shell:

  • Run the following command in PowerShell: New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name:AdminImpersonateAll -Role:ApplicationImpersonation -User SCSMWorkflow


3. Create and configure Server Authentication Certificate for Exchange Server:

  • Go to CA and create a duplicate copy of Web Server Certificate Template and make sure in the properties you have selected “Private Key Export” and "Publish in AD" options and provide “Read and Enroll” permission to Authenticated Users.
  • Go to Certificate Template in CA and right click Certificate Templates and choose New - "Certificate Template to Issue" and select the Template that you have created earlier.
  • Now go the Exchange server and open MMC and add Certificates snap for local computer, then go to Personal and then right click- all task- Request for New certificate. Choose from AD Enrollment Policy and select the Template that you created earlier. When selecting the Certificate click below for "More Information" and provide Exchange Servers FQDN name as common name in Subject Tab and also provide same FQDN name at Friendly Name in General Tab.


4. Configuring Registry for Exchange Web Services URL:

  • Create Registry Key "System Center Service Manager Exchange Connector" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft
  • Then create the following string value:
    • Value: ExchangeURL - ( https://gpsdc.gpsdemo.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx )
    • Value: EnableEWSTracing – 1 (optional, for troubleshooting connector related issues)
    • Value: LoggingLevel – 7 (optional, for troubleshooting connector related issues)


5. Creating Exchange Connector in SCSM console:

  • While creating connector select “Use Impersonation” for the account helpdesk@contoso.com or any other account that you want to monitor.Make sure SCSM Workflow account is added to Administrators role in SCSM console.


And you are done!


Hope this information helps. The A-Team is always there to help you out and guide you in this process. So, let us know of your queries or feedbacks.

- A-Team


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi, I have upgraded from SCSM 2010 to 2012 successfully but, when it comes to the Exch. connector I am encountering a certificate issue. I can create the cert successfully but, when I go to Request for New Certificate I cannot select the cert I have just created. It is listed under Show All Templates but is unavailable with the message "The specified role was not configured for the application. This type of cert can be issued only to a computer" What am I doing wrong here? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Sean - I believe the Exchange Web Service API only needs to be installed on the Service Manager Management Server that will run the connector. If you wish to inspect the connector, the API needs to also be installed on the machine where the Service Manager Console is running.

  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2013
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2013
    Steps needs to be executed on SCSM Server, Exchange server and on the server where Certificate Authority is installed.

  1. Step 1 on SCSM Server and Exchange Server.
  2. Step 2 on Exchange Server.
  3. Step 3 on server where Certificate Authority is installed and on Exchange Server.
  4. Step 4 and 5 should be executed on SCSM server.
  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2014
    Thank you - it works for v.1.2.
  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2014
    Bhuwan - Which Exchange servers does this API need to be installed on? CAS/Hub Transport? Mailbox? I have to assume that it is the CHT servers. Thanks kindly...
  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2014
    Will the Exchange Connector 3.0 connect to an Exchange 2007 environment
  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2014
    After configuring Exchange connector - Not able to trigger auto service ticket by SCSM. Please help is anyone faced same issue.
  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2014
    should i install on CAS, HUB or Mailbox server?
  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2015
    Hi All,

    Fiailed in Exchange connector 3.1 configuration. While configuring its asked Exchange link & i givne the same. But its throwed the error. Even if i select Auto discover also, its not taking. Please suggest me on the same.