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FridayFive – August 7, 2015

First post this week in #FridayFive is from MVP Mayur Tendulkar around #Azure Active Directory in Xamarin.Forms http://ow.ly/QBRWg

Second in #FridayFive is from MVP Anand Khanse telling things to do on #Windows10 http://ow.ly/QBSq4

Third post in this week on #FridayFive around PIN based authentication in #Windows10 by MVP Anoop Chandran http://ow.ly/QBT0X

Fourth in #FridayFive is from MVP Kunal Chowdhury on Optimizing Update delivery process in #Windows10 http://ow.ly/QBUYE

Fifth and final post in #FridayFive by MVP Sathish V on Configuring SSL Certificate in #MSExchnage http://ow.ly/QBVSg